ultimecia吧 关注:87贴子:1,376
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IP属地:四川1楼2011-10-12 21:05回复

    IP属地:四川2楼2011-10-12 21:05
      "A sorceress trying to change the world by compressing time and taking power from all sorceresses."
      —Scan description

      Ultimecia dons a skin-tight red satin ball gown with a plunging neckline that ends just over the crotch, exposing her neck, chest, stomach and abdomen and only partially obscuring her breasts. A black-fur ruffle travels the edge of the bodice and along the collar; the ruffle rests over her shoulders and covers the junction of her black feathered wings. The hemline extends to drag along the floor. Long red-blouse sleeves join with her taloned hands, which are colored purple.
      Her shoulders are padded to extend just beyond her hip-line. Exposed skin (face, torso and legs) are moderately tattooed with lined patterns. Ultimecia wears a gold necklace, earrings and hair jewelery amongst a headdress designed to pull her hair up to resemble horns; silver bangs are left free to frame her face. Ultimecia has yellow eyes set amongst purple eye-shadow and wears deep-red lipstick. She wears no footwear, instead walking (or perhaps flying) barefoot and although Ultimecia has a human appearance her feet resemble those of a beast.
      Ultimecia has a definitive sense of style; the interior of her castle is filled with faux-Victorian opulence with an impressive art collection. While possessing Edea Kramer, Ultimecia dresses in a skin-tight violet evening gown with a luxurious feather collar, an ornate headdresses, and a large golden ornament on her back, bedecked with a rose-colored cape. In Deling City, her waiting room is draped with silk curtains, and while in Galbadia Garden, she reclines on a throne designed like a translucent flower, with lights visible through the crystal, similar to the fronds of luminescent sea kelp.

      IP属地:四川7楼2011-10-13 00:01
        "This is reality. No one can help you. Sit back and enjoy the show."
        Edea, possessed by Ultimecia.
        Not much is known of Ultimecia's world. The only thing that that is certain is that Ultimecia's castle dominates the landscape and it is implied Ultimecia is the sole ruler of her world, although no other inhabitants of her world are introduced in the game, their fate unknown.
        With the use of Junction Machine Ellone Ultimecia sends her consciousness back in time to take possession of Edea Kramer. Ultimecia's plan is to send her mind far enough back in time to be able to cast the Time Compression spell, but the Junction Machine has a limit; in order to get even further back in time she needs to find a girl called Ellone with a natural gift to send people's consciousnesses through time. Ultimecia uses Edea's body to infiltrate the government of Galbadia, quickly rising the ranks until she is appointed to the position of Ambassador of Galbadia by President Vinzer Deling himself.
        Ultimecia seduces Seifer

        IP属地:四川11楼2011-10-13 19:41
          Through entering their minds and forcibly imposing her own will upon them, Ultimecia can effectively turn people into vessels for her to either exist within or simply control externally. The people under her control lose their own will, and are diminished into helpless observers as Ultimecia controls their bodies. As such, it is revealed throughout events within the story that most of the pivotal antagonists of Final Fantasy VIII are either directly possessed or manipulated by Ultimecia as she works towards completing her machinations.

          Controlling Edea
          Edea Kramer is the first known victim of Ultimecia's possession powers. Edea is forced to watch powerlessly while Ultimecia uses her body as a "shell" to begin her time-altering scheme, which culminated when she was promoted to Ambassador of Galbadia by President Vinzer Deling. During her acceptance speech, Ultimecia murdered President Deling and seized his place as ruler over the country. Soon after, she began an extensive search for Ellone as well as a worldwide extermination of all SeeD. However, after being defeated inside Edea's body twice, Ultimecia was forced to give up on this possession. Edea then relinquished her Sorceress Powers to Rinoa, protecting her from any future possessions.
          Controlling Rinoa
          Rinoa falls victim to Ultimecia's control immediately after she is defeated inside Edea's body. After Ultimecia awakens Seifer, she forces Rinoa into a coma and keeps her in this state until her admittance to the Lunar Base. Upon entering the Lunar Base, Ultimecia awakens within Rinoa and immediately sets out to free Sorceress Adel from her tomb and begin the Lunar Cry.

          Controlling Adel
          A short-lived possession, as by now SeeD has caught on to her plan. Ultimecia possesses Sorceress Adel shortly after the mighty tyrant awakens from years of entombment by rebel usurpers. Moments after Ultimecia junctions Rinoa to Adel's body, she is confronted within the body of Adel. After an intense battle, Adel is killed by SeeD operatives, ending Ultimecia's possession of her.

          IP属地:四川19楼2011-10-13 20:56
            Ultimecia's name differs depending on the translation. As such it is somewhat difficult to conclude an exact origin.
            The Spanish translation's take on the name (Artemisa) could be derived from Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the hunt (also the Goddess of Childbirth, Virginity, Forests,and the Moon), and Zeus and the nymph Leto's controversial child who never married and remained chaste for all her days.
            The Italian and German translation's take on the name (Artemisia) calls back to at least three prominent historical women:
            Artemisia I of Caria (About 480 BC)
            Known as the "Tyrant of Halicarnassus", she fought alongside the Persians in the Battle of Salamis, but survived the battle using an unorthodox tactic; by sinking a friendly Persian vessel which made the Greeks think she was fighting for their side and backed off.
            Artemisia II of Caria (About 350 BC)
            The wife (and sister) of King Mausolus; she is known in history for her bizarre way of grieving from her husband's death and to memorialize him she had the Mausoleum of Mausolus built, that is known today as one of the "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World."
            Artemisia Gentileschi (1593 – 1653)
            A female painter, whose theme in many of her paintings is female strength and sometimes even dominance over men.
            It's interesting to note that in Italian culture "Artemisia" is a typical sorceress name.
            The word artemisia is the scientific name for wormwood, a poisonous plant from which the drink absinthe is made. This could also reference the star Wormwood mentioned in the Apocalypse of Saint John.
            The English and French translations' addition of "Ulti" to the name could be derived from the word, "ultimate." A definition of "ultimate" is to be the furthest or farthest away. Since Ultimecia was assumed to, once time was compressed, possess every Sorceress Power bestowed upon humanity by the Great Hyne, effectively becoming "the Ultimate Sorceress."
            Another theory is that her name derives from the spell Ultima. In Spanish Ultima is called "Artema," which also fits with "Artemisa."

            IP属地:四川23楼2011-10-13 23:21
              Ultimecia, seen during the ending of Final Fantasy VIII

              IP属地:四川25楼2011-10-13 23:24

                IP属地:四川26楼2011-10-13 23:41