洪魔吧 关注:136贴子:1,414
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1楼2011-10-19 21:32回复
    Halo: Combat Evolved
    See also: Halo: Combat Evolved
    The Flood make their surprise appearance more than halfway through Halo: Combat Evolved's campaign, during the mission "343 Guilty Spark". The Master Chief is sent on an extraction mission by the artificial intelligence Cortana to find Captain Jacob Keyes, who disappears in a swamp while looking for a weapons cache with which to fight the alien Covenant. The Master Chief discovers that the Covenant have released the Flood accidentally, and the sheer numbers of the parasite overwhelm Keyes and his squad. Keyes' squad are turned into soldiers for the parasite, while Keyes is interrogated by the Flood in an attempt to learn the location of Earth. Keyes successfully resists,[12] but is assimilated by the Flood before the Master Chief can rescue him. The emergence of the Flood on the ringworld Halo prompts Halo's resident artificial intelligence 343 Guilty Spark to enlist the help of the Master Chief in activating Halo's defenses and preventing a Flood outbreak.[13] When Master Chief learns of the devastation that Halo would cause to humanity and all other sentient life if activated, he detonates the human ship Pillar of Autumn's engines, destroying the ring and preventing the Flood from escaping.
    The Flood are depicted as having a complicated lifecycle. The largest self-contained form that the Flood can produce itself, without using other biomass,[14] is an "infection form". The infection form seeks hosts (living or dead), attempting to drive sharp spines into the host and tap into the nervous system. The host is incapacitated while the infection form burrows into the host's body and begins the mutation process, bringing the host under Flood control.[15] Depending on the size or condition of the body, the Infection form mutates the hapless host into various specialized forms in the continual drive for more food. Larger hosts are seen turned into forms for combat, growing long whiplike tentacles,[16] while mangled and disused hosts are turned into incubators for more infection forms.[16] The Flood also create forms not suited to combat, which interrogate and strip information from the minds of its victims[17] or serve as a central intelligence to drive the infestation.
    [edit] Halo Graphic Novel
    See also: Halo Graphic Novel
    The 2006 comic The Halo Graphic Novel expands upon the Flood's release from Halo in two stories. The first, Last Voyage of the Infinite Succor, takes place at the same time as the Master Chief hunts for Keyes during Halo: Combat Evolved. The Flood manage to pilot a Covenant dropship off Halo, and crash-land the vessel in the hangar of a Covenant agricultural ship, Infinite Succor. Successfully assimilating most of the Covenant and wildlife aboard the ship, the Flood are stopped by a Covenant strike team led by Rtas 'Vadumee, who sets the ship on a course into the nearby sun.[18] The second story, Breaking Quarantine, details the escape of Sergeant Avery Johnson from the clutches of the Flood, immediately after Keyes' squad is overrun during Halo. Due to a pre-existing medical condition, the Flood parasites cannot infect Johnson and attempt to kill him instead.[19] Whereas the Flood are only hinted at being intelligent in Halo: Combat Evolved, the Halo Graphic Novel shows the Flood have a hive mind, assimilating the knowledge of their hosts rapidly.[20] Lee Hammock, writer of The Last Voyage of the Infinite Succor, described the basis of the story as a way to showcase the true danger of the Flood as an intelligent menace, rather than something the player encounters and shoots. Hammock also stated that the story would prove the intelligent nature of the Flood, and "hopefully euthanize the idea that they are just space zombies".[18]

    3楼2011-10-19 21:34
      [edit] Halo 2 and Ghosts of Onyx
      See also: Halo 2 and Halo: Ghosts of Onyx
      The Flood make a return appearance in Halo 2, first after being released on a Forerunner facility near Halo, and again on Installation 05 or "Delta Halo".[21] The Flood on Delta Halo are led by the Gravemind, a massive creature that dwells in the bowels of the ring. Gravemind brings together the Master Chief and the Arbiter and tasks them with stopping the Covenant leadership from activating the ring.[22] In the meantime, Gravemind infests the human ship In Amber Clad and crashes it into the Covenant space station of High Charity.[23] Once there, the Flood sweep through the city, before Gravemind appears and questions Cortana.[24] As the Flood spread across Halo and infect High Charity in Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, the Covenant form a blockade in an effort to prevent the parasite from leaving its prison.[25]
      [edit] Halo 3
      A Flood swarm, as seen in Halo 3; the organic environment is the Flood-infested ship High Charity
      See also: Halo 3
      The Flood reappear in the Halo 3 mission "Floodgate", on board a damaged ship that escapes the quarantine around Delta Halo. While the infestation of Earth is prevented by the destruction of half the African continent,[26] Gravemind follows the Master Chief and his allies to the Ark aboard the infested High Charity. Though the Master Chief and Arbiter form a tenuous alliance with the Flood to stop the activation of all the Halo rings, as soon as the firing sequence is stopped Gravemind turns on the humans. The Master Chief fights his way to the center of High Charity, freeing Cortana and destroying the city, but Gravemind attempts to rebuild himself on the ring under construction by the Ark.[27] Realizing that lighting the ring will destroy only the local Flood infestation and spare the galaxy, the Master Chief, Arbiter, Cortana and Sergeant Johnson proceed to Halo's control room, activate the ring, and escape. Gravemind leaves the Master Chief and the Arbiter with a final warning that his defeat will only delay the Flood's goal of consuming all sentient life.[28] Halo 3 added new capabilities to the Flood, including the ability for the parasite to infect enemies in real time.[7] The Flood are also seen to produce a mutable "pure form" which can mutate into several other Flood types.[7]

      4楼2011-10-19 21:34

        6楼2011-10-19 21:35

          IP属地:湖北7楼2011-10-20 12:51

            9楼2011-10-24 22:13

              10楼2011-10-25 14:07
                洪水的设计和小说牵头,由Bungie的艺术家罗伯特McLees,利用未使用的概念,从早期的Bungie的游戏马拉松 2。ringworld光环被剥夺了许多大型生物,使洪水的外观更令人吃惊的。Bungie的环境艺术家维克DeLeon花了6个月前的生产时间研究的洪魔的肉质审美和设计最后一战3的洪水,出没的空间船舶的有机
                内饰。球员的发现洪魔在Halo:Combat Evolved的一个主要情节扭曲, 的一个惊喜评论指出后积极释放。洪魔的光晕2和光晕3的回报率不热情赞扬 。多年来对洪水的反应各不相同,而出版物,如“达拉斯晨报发现洪水太衍生的科幻向导”杂志和评价他们之间的所有时间最伟大的恶棍的PC World 杂志的老生常谈元素。洪水早在添加光晕的发展:Combat Evolved中,在比赛前从Macintosh平台跳转到Xbox 。一个设计为一个洪魔形式出现早在1997年。[1]后评论洪水以来,Bungie的工作人员克里斯布彻指出,“结束一个星系横跨帝国被遗忘的危险泛滥背后的想法是一个科幻的根本宗旨,和坏科幻太“[2]另一种灵感是克里斯托弗罗利的”万荣系列。[3]的洪水早期的设计是做Bungie的艺术家和作家罗伯特McLees,谁认为自己的洪水“的建筑师”[4]的洪水的根源载概念的一个“真菌僵尸”,McLees的早期Bungie的游戏马拉松2没有艺术:迪朗达尔[5] McLees还没有所有的早期概念。洪水的艺术。[6 ]基于行为的病毒和某些细菌,洪水的目的是“恶心和讨厌的”。[7]生物前战斗人员的尸体和机构建设,使艺术家以确保洪水士兵辨认足够改变他们的人影,足以区别于未受感染。[8]许多观念和思想被丢弃由于时间关系,洪水的目的转换任何外来公约物种最初的约束士兵。“McLees回忆说,”我们没有做到这一点的资源,所以他们修改游戏的小说表明,一些“公约”过小或过体弱作战部队。[9]在一个点,ringworld晕特色恐龙般的陆地动物,但这些下降由于游戏的限制 。另外一个考虑是,Bungie的感觉。[10] 最后一战3,它是决定一个新的视觉语言洪水需要其他本地物种的存在,会冲淡洪水的冲击和惊喜。开发新的洪水形式,有机洪水地形和其他杂项变化的任务下跌维克DeLeon,Bungie的高级环境艺术家。[7]的可变形式在最后一战3此外,的唯一的设计师的想象力虚构的约束是 , 通过消化洪水改变其受害者的DNA 。什么成为“纯形式”的早期概念为特色的生物挥舞通过卷须武器数组,而*** IKE的洪水感染者和洪水运输的概念,从来没有到最后一场比赛。[8]洪水为患结构设计角,以抗衡洪水的生物量,以及提供游戏的人工智能,利用移动表面。增加了新的被设计为多用途;爆炸,喷出洪水形式被添加到游戏的调整起搏,提供即时的行动,并添加视觉的“增长豆荚 “。内镜图片提供了进一步的灵感[7] Bungie的光环3的图形的能力得到提高,使之成为洪水的形式主机突然转型更具戏剧性。两个不同的人物模型和骷髅融合和实时交换

                11楼2011-10-25 14:12
                  谷歌翻译V5= =

                  12楼2011-10-26 19:37

                    13楼2011-10-26 19:46