박시후에게 사진은 ‘습관’처럼 익숙한 것. 가방엔 언제나 디지털 카메라와 캠코더를 넣고 다닌다. 연기를 시작한 뒤로는 예전처럼 여유롭게 사진 여행을 자주 떠나지 못하지만, 그의 일상엔 늘 사진이 함께한다.
照相对朴施厚来说就像是“习惯”一样. 出门时背包内总是带著数位相机及摄影机. 开始演戏之后, 虽然不能像以前闲暇时一样常常外出旅行拍照, 但他的生活总是与照片为伍.
Taking photos has become a habit for
Park Si Hoo. He always has a digital camera and a camcorder in his
bag wherever he goes. After he started his acting career, though he
no longer has the time to go on photo-taking trips as frequently as he used to
do, his life is still closely associated with photos.
“아버지가 사진 찍는 것을 좋아하셨어요. 그래서 어릴 적부터 자연스레 사진을 접했죠. 그때는 지금처럼 디지털 카메라가 없었잖아요. 사진관에 필름을 들고 가서 ‘내가 찍은 사진이 어떻게 나올까’ 가슴 설레며 기다리곤 했죠. 초점이 안 맞아 흔들린 사진도
있고, 배경을 사리려다 몸만 나온 사진도 있고요(웃음). 지금도 그때의 사진을 보면서 가족들과 추억을 이야기 하곤 해요.”
“爸爸喜欢照相, 所以我很自然的从小就接触到相片. 但是由於当时没有数位相机, 得把照好的底片带去相馆冲洗,‘我照的相片会是如何呢?’常常很激动的等待著. 洗出来的照片, 有的焦距没对好模糊掉了, 有的照片为了取景只照到身体一部份 (笑著). 现在也常常与家人边看那些相片边说起以前的回忆”
“My father likes to take photos, so naturally I’ve been in contact with photos since I was little. Remember in those days there were no
digital cameras? So we had to get our film developed in a photo studio,
waiting in suspense wondering: “How will my photos turn out?”
Sometimes a photo would be out of focus, and sometimes a photo would only have
parts of the body because of too much background (laughs). Even now I
like to look at these photos of the good old days with my family because they
bring back fond memories.”