“Stones of Silence Journeys in the Himalaya” by George B. Schaller, The Viking Press, New York, 1980
“I was pleased to find that tigers are even-tempered, gentle beasts which assiduously a圞void any confrontation with a person on foot,…” (p.171)
大意: 我很高兴发现老虎是种心平气和, 温柔的野兽, 它会尽力避开行人.
老虎平时单兵作战, 但必要时会要求同伴前来支援, 以下就是例子:
<The World of the Tiger> by Richard Perry, Atheneum, New York, 1965, p. 162
“…On another occasion, when a herd of fifty elephants had surrounded a trapped tiger, they made off when other tigers arrived, attracted by the roaring of the trapped beast.”
大意: …还有一次, 一个有50头象的象群把一只被(猎人所)困的老虎包围住了, 这只被困老虎的吼声引来了别的老虎, 象群就离开了.