drewryniewicz吧 关注:201贴子:4,462

Hey Drew! If u come, click here!


ChromoZhao(@椰子虚 )has asked Drew on twi to come here to pay us a visit.
We totally understand if Drew does not have the time,
but if she does come, there's no way she could understand all the Chinese posts.
So we came up with this idea to post an English thread with an English title to welcome Drew ( if she should come, of course).
The only rule here is: speak English! it doesn't matter how well you can speak. As long as you can make yourself understood by DREW, it's all good!
Now you can start with your greetings and compliments you can think of for the one-and-only, young and beutiful and talented DREW.
We luv u, Drew! Wish u'll come..Sooooon!

1楼2011-11-28 01:23回复
    I'll make a start...
    Drew, u have been my favorite since ur first audition.
    I loved every song u ever sang.
    Hope u win the whole competition.

    2楼2011-11-28 01:29
      Great job, Hubert! or it's actually Leonard? ;)
      Hey Drew!!! WELCOME!!!
      So happy you came here~
      We all love you! Your smile, your confident, and OF COURSE your TALENT!!!
      Please keep holding on to your dream, and we'll surpport you along the way.
      So...if someday you are going on tour, please consider make a stop here in China! Promise you'll consider that, OK?
      Love you!!

      IP属地:上海3楼2011-11-28 01:35
        wow i really love this idea!!brilliant!!~~you're doing a great job hubert!!
        hi drew!! first of all~thanks so much for pay us a visit!~
        we are really appreciated that!!<3
        I'm your big fans here from Malaysia!!
        and just like others you have been my favorite since your 1st audition<3
        i loved the way you smile you sing and your angelic voice!!
        you are very talented young girl!! =)
        and please don't ever let those hate words bring you down!!
        just treat haters as motivator!!
        and remember your words “haters make winner!”!
        so drew~be more confidence in yourself!!
        its doesn't matter you win this competition or not~
        because you're already a winner in our(fans) heart !!! =)
        best of luck to you !! <3
        lots of love<3
        ikimi from Malaysia

        4楼2011-11-28 03:00
          Good evening, Drew!
          And good morning guys!
          Thank u all for your encouraging words for Drew!
          Hope she'll come and see these compliments herself.
          @椰子虚 chromo, why don't you tweeeeeeeeet her again about our new post?

          5楼2011-11-28 10:33
            Hola, Drewzie!! Hope you don't mind my calling you Drewzie...
            I just can't believe you actually come by and see those words we wrote!
            Drew, I wanna say that, usually I would not be crazy about any contestant in any singing competition. Then you are the first and may be the last one. Coz I was and still am amazed by your performance everytime! It feels like heaven when I hear you singing...
            So please don't change for anyone. You are incredibly beautiful and talented just the way you are! I will always be your big fan no matter what!
            BTW, my name on twit is imcrystalyuan... Looks familiar???
            Love Crystal

            IP属地:广东6楼2011-11-28 16:08
              I'm wondering...
              Even if Drew does come here someday. How can we know that she does??? It might be hard for Drew to figure out how to register since there is no any English direction. Shall we get an account for her beforehand?
              @Hubert_love @椰子虚 @8ikimi8 

              IP属地:广东7楼2011-11-28 16:15
                I was thinking about that...
                But how do we give her the ID and password?
                How are we supposed to teach her how to log in? since the rest of this page is in Chinese and probably it would even be a mess if she has not installed a Chinese Language Pack.
                I guess if she does come, she might twit you or Chromo. Then we can come up with some way to make it work.

                8楼2011-11-28 16:25
                  let's see if Drew could notice this post... then we will work these things out!

                  IP属地:广东9楼2011-11-28 16:42
                    Getting a little bit nervous
                    although it is still 3 days away from the next performance show..
                    scary double elimination...
                    best of luck for Drew!

                    10楼2011-11-28 20:42
                      Unbelievable!!This "whole English" thing is totally genius!!!
                      This little Drew group is the best fan group I've ever been to,although I don't come here very often.Thanks to @椰子虚 @Hubert_love @8ikimi8 @3ummer3now and many other friends——you guys create such a kind,loving and rational environment here.I really hope Drew will visit someday and see all these beautiful comments and greetings.
                      This week's performance is coming,it will be extremely intense because of the double elimination, even I'm a little nervous.
                      Anyway,to our cute,talented Drew:
                      Stay positive and really kick some ass on Wednesday night !!

                      11楼2011-11-28 21:56
                        phew me too!! >_<
                        i am getting nervous and worried since few days ago..lol >_<
                        3 days to go!!! all the best to you drew !! <3
                        good luck!!!!~~~~

                        12楼2011-11-28 21:59
                          i send the link of this thread to drew, let's just hope she'll see!

                          But we gotta understand that drew is busy these days, so let's all be patient!!
                          i'll send this link to her once a week~ so maybe one day...Hooray~~~

                          IP属地:上海13楼2011-11-28 22:04
                            Thanks a lot

                            hope you can drop by more often~

                            14楼2011-11-28 22:12
                              "once a week"!!!!

                              15楼2011-11-28 22:12