阿姆说过最经典的话、 额、 不应该最经典、 10.Keep it Real!别装X 9.NO one's ever regretted a tattoo.爷们纹了身从来不后悔。 8.With foreign markets volatile, now's a good time to invest in bonds. 国外市场变幻莫测,现在是时候投资点债券了。 7Go see "Toy Story 3", the toys are back in town.去看《玩具总动员3》吧!玩具们又回家家了! 6.Always purchase music through authorized retailers that pay royalties to the artists. 请支持正版,保障艺人权益,永远要从经过授权的经销商那购买正版。 5.Don't get mixed up with dr*gs, gangs or oil executives.永远别掺和毒品、黑社会、石油泄漏这些东东。 4.Remember the magic words,"Please","Thank you" and "Step off, bi**h"请牢记这些万能词汇:“请、谢谢还有滚开~~。” 3.Money dosen't buy happiness; it buys crazy-ass happiness. 金钱买不来快乐,它买到的是超级让你疯癫的快感。 2.If I sign something for you and I see it on Ebay.When you go home, I'm gonna be under your bed. 如果,我给你签名了,然后我又在Ebay上看到它,那么,当你回家时,我很可能在你床下等你…… 1. Don't waste your time watching this show.别浪费时间看这个节目了。