当 婴 儿 微 笑 WHEN babies SMILE
当梦想者作梦并亲吻他们的爱侣 When dreamers dream and kiss their lover
彩虹编织和渲染它的颜色 And rainbows weave and splash their color
那都是多么辉煌鲜活的时刻 Those are moments so gloriously alive
我们决意冒险 We take the plunge,take the dive
向无可探测的深渊 Into the abyss
只有这种时刻我们愿稍作羁留 We are suspended awhile
就是当婴儿微笑的一刻 Those are moments when babies smile.
就在这一刻,命运开启了门 Those are moments when fate is unsealed
无事不可能而我们都已痊愈 Nothing is impossible and we are healed
我们能飞,能飞翔 We can soar,we can fly
走在火上,航过云端 Walk on fire,navigate the sky
乘着明灭的星光 In the light of a glittering star
距离消失,一切都可及 There's no distance,nothing is far
那是天真的欺骗的时刻 Those are moments of innocent guile
在光芒中 In the glow
我们愿稍作停留 We are suspended awhile
就是当婴儿微笑的一刻 Those are moments when babies smile.
就在那心肠温柔的一刻 Those are moments when the heart is tender
海景闪现于华丽壮观中 When seascapes gleam in magnificent splendor
天庭的笑声反响回地球 When the laughter of Heaven reverberates the Earth
而我们都获得重生 And we are renewed in a new birth
在无限的永恒中 In a timeless Eternity
在天使的博爱下 In the angels'fraternity
我们玩耍旋转 We romp and roll
我们灵魂的游戏场 The playground of our soul
在黎明或黄昏里 In the twilight
能让我们稍作逗留的 We are suspended awhile
就是当婴儿微笑时 Those are moments when babies smile.
那些我们与神合而为一的时刻 Those are moments we're one with God
一切都好,无事奇怪 All is well,nothing is odd
在安静的沉思中 In silent reflection
我们感觉到自身的完美 We feel our perfection
我们是泉源,也是杯鼎 We are the source,we are the crucible
无物能伤害,因我们不可征服 Nothing can hurt us,for we are invincible
没有罪,也没罪人 There is no sin,there is no sinner
我们只会胜利,只会感受到 We can only win,we have felt the glimmer
祝福的幽光 In the bliss
能让我们飘荡一会儿的 We're floating awhile
就是当婴儿微笑的那些时刻 Those are moments when babies smile.
王国翻覆,阶级消失 Kingdoms topple,lose their class
文明倾塌,世代流逝 Civilizations crumble,ages pass
暴雨蹂躏着海面 Turbulent tempests ravage the seas
狂猛的杀戮不理会我们的祈求 Violent killings,despite our pleas
但当孩子们游戏时灵光出现 But dewdrops sparkle when children play
暴君哭泣,没有东西可再杀虐 Tyrants cry,there's nothing to slay
小仙子的舞蹈和小妖怪唱歌 Fairies dance and goblins sing
每人都被加冠,人人是王 All are crowned,all are king
在神的花园里 In the Garden
我们会嬉闹一会儿We frolic awhile
就当婴儿微笑的那一刻Those are moments when babies smile.