10.keep it real 认清现实,保持清醒 9.No one's ever regretted a tattoo 没人后悔纹过身 8.with foreign markets volatile,Now's a good time to invest in bonds 由于国外市场不稳定,现在是买债券的好机会 7.Go see "toy story 3",the toys are back in town 去看“玩具总动员3”吧,那些玩具又回来了 6.Always purchase music through authorized retailers that pay royalties to the artist 通过官方授权的零售店购买音乐,这是给歌手付版税 5.Don't get mixed up with drugs,gangs or oil executive 分清楚毒品,枪支和石油公司主管,别搞混了 4.remember the magic words:"Please","Thank you",and"step off,bitch" 记住几个神奇的词语:“请”,“谢谢”和“婊子,滚开” 3.Money doesn't buy hapiness,it buys crazy-ass happiness 钱买不到真正的幸福,但可以买到2B(卑鄙)的幸福 2.If I sign something for you and I see it on Ebay,when you go home,I'm goona be under your bed. 如果我给你签过名,但你把它放在Ebay上开卖。你要是回到家,就会发现我在你的床底下 1.Don't waste your time watching the show 别把时间浪费在这节目上