上阵子玩了GemCraft 2 觉得很过瘾,
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顺便把Strategy Guide作为收藏
GemCraft Labyrinth - Strategy Guide Guide Dual gems are superior to pure gems, they get bonuses to their damage, range, and firing speed. Triple gems get even higher bonuses. These bonuses can be further increased with the Dual gem and Triple gem mastery skills. Pure gems have the strongest special abilities. If you combine two gems of different types, you get both specials but with a decreased power. So if you want to use the special ability of a gem, combine it only with gems of the same type. If you want a gem to have a strong special ability, but also benefit from the triple (or dual) bonuses, create 2 or 3 grade 1 gems, each of a different type, combine them together, and then build onward using only pure gems of the type you want to boost. Try to avoid making gems containing more than three base types. Place your towers in positions where they can cover the longest path possible, but also look out for beacons, shards, nests, and tombs. If you want to shoot them, they should be in the gem's range you want to place in the tower.
It might be worth placing a tower at one square distance from the path instead of right next to it.
Look at the range indicator (yellow circle) of the inserted gem to
see how far it can shoot, and place it in a tower that can give it the
longest path to cover.
It's better to have more towers with somewhat weaker gems in them,
than a few towers with stronger gems. If a monster with a high armor
level approached however, a strong gem might be very useful - the
monster's armor will absorb most of the damage weaker gems can inflict.
Click on a monster to view info about it, but also to highlight it
for your towers to shoot. If an apparition flies by, and your towers are
busy killing monsters, click on the apparition to have the towers
target it.
When a monster is just about to crush your orb, the orb will banish
it back to its spawning location. This costs you soma mana; tougher
monsters take more mana to banish. Each time a monster gets to your orb,
its banishment cost increases. Watch our for fast monsters that run by
your towers and can reach your orb more than once before being killed.
Swarm monsters are easy to kill (usually one shot), and cheap to
banish, but they come in very large numbers, and run very fast. They can
take the fire of your towers while the tougher and slower monsters pass
上阵子玩了GemCraft 2 觉得很过瘾,
Kill Time ~(=c =)~
顺便把Strategy Guide作为收藏
GemCraft Labyrinth - Strategy Guide Guide Dual gems are superior to pure gems, they get bonuses to their damage, range, and firing speed. Triple gems get even higher bonuses. These bonuses can be further increased with the Dual gem and Triple gem mastery skills. Pure gems have the strongest special abilities. If you combine two gems of different types, you get both specials but with a decreased power. So if you want to use the special ability of a gem, combine it only with gems of the same type. If you want a gem to have a strong special ability, but also benefit from the triple (or dual) bonuses, create 2 or 3 grade 1 gems, each of a different type, combine them together, and then build onward using only pure gems of the type you want to boost. Try to avoid making gems containing more than three base types. Place your towers in positions where they can cover the longest path possible, but also look out for beacons, shards, nests, and tombs. If you want to shoot them, they should be in the gem's range you want to place in the tower.