Have you ever had a near death experience?
Not really but when I was a kid I thought I could breathe underwater - I think it was a dream, but when you're a kid it's hard to separate dreams from reality. I kept nearly drowning. I'm a really good swimmer now though. I'm a freak, I can hold my breath for so long. We timed me - we did it in the pub the other day - and I held my breath for about two and a half minutes. I'm a freak.
关于最自豪的歌词What lyric are you most proud of writing?
Probably the lyrics to "Shake It Out". They're cathartic for me to sing. Some songs just appear and you're not sure where they've come from. I've always been able to just concoct a melody quite easily - it's just kind of instinct really. You've got to channel your subconscious.
Describe the way you dance.
With wild abandon!(豪放派,能感觉出来···)