上班时间 不怕老板骂低 利用同是手机上网时...
看到这则 不知道是真是假的 消息~~~
但是 消息是他本人发上来的...
所以 可信度有60吧=ˇ=~~~
fb > keyber社团
主发人 > Segyeui Cheonjae Ingan
发文罗 内容以下___
Guys i just wanted to tell you all some information that ive seen with my own eyes and hear with my own ears....
When key was still in korea, i was with my friends and we were having a shopping madness thingy for fun time then suddenly i saw key's manager walking then i thought of maybe key was here, we started searching then KABOOM!!!
I spotted key with...... WITH!!!! amber together in a mall. But aparently i didn't brought my phone nor my camera and i forgot to tell my friends to take a picture of it!!!
but, i's still happy because i got that chance to go near with them and say hi.
They just smile and say hello at me then when they walk away, key and amber got to a store named. LOVEBOOTH, were there is a lot of valentine shirts and things...
Oh please forgive me Gen Unnie for not getting a picture!!
I swear to god that if i'll see them again, I'll take not only pic, but a vid!!! I SWEAR THAT!!
我只是想告诉你一些资讯 用自己的眼睛看到和我亲耳听到 … …。
key 在韩国,我和我的朋友在逛街时候突然,我看到了key的经理走在这里,我想也许key也在这里,我们开始寻找key...
我看到key...... !!!和amber一起在一家商场。但 我没有把我的电话相机也不是我,我忘了告诉我的朋友们拍他们的照片!!
他们只是微笑和我打招呼说,然后当他们走开,key和amber去了一家商店名为。 LOVEBOOTH,有很多情人的衬衫和东西...
不知道 这位饭 说的是真是假...
如果是真的 我真的是...
看到这则 不知道是真是假的 消息~~~
但是 消息是他本人发上来的...
所以 可信度有60吧=ˇ=~~~
fb > keyber社团
主发人 > Segyeui Cheonjae Ingan
发文罗 内容以下___
Guys i just wanted to tell you all some information that ive seen with my own eyes and hear with my own ears....
When key was still in korea, i was with my friends and we were having a shopping madness thingy for fun time then suddenly i saw key's manager walking then i thought of maybe key was here, we started searching then KABOOM!!!
I spotted key with...... WITH!!!! amber together in a mall. But aparently i didn't brought my phone nor my camera and i forgot to tell my friends to take a picture of it!!!
but, i's still happy because i got that chance to go near with them and say hi.
They just smile and say hello at me then when they walk away, key and amber got to a store named. LOVEBOOTH, were there is a lot of valentine shirts and things...
Oh please forgive me Gen Unnie for not getting a picture!!
I swear to god that if i'll see them again, I'll take not only pic, but a vid!!! I SWEAR THAT!!
我只是想告诉你一些资讯 用自己的眼睛看到和我亲耳听到 … …。
key 在韩国,我和我的朋友在逛街时候突然,我看到了key的经理走在这里,我想也许key也在这里,我们开始寻找key...
我看到key...... !!!和amber一起在一家商场。但 我没有把我的电话相机也不是我,我忘了告诉我的朋友们拍他们的照片!!
他们只是微笑和我打招呼说,然后当他们走开,key和amber去了一家商店名为。 LOVEBOOTH,有很多情人的衬衫和东西...
不知道 这位饭 说的是真是假...
如果是真的 我真的是...