三心二意 absent-minded
大相径庭 be totally different
不折不扣 extremely/completely
粗心大意 careless/carelessness
不计其数 countless
引人入胜 attractive
焕然一新 take on a new look
置之不理 take no notice of
固执己见 stick to one's own opinion
不屑一顾 throw all cantion to the winds
忍无可忍 can no longer put up with
不得而知 remain unknown
因人而异 vary from person to person/depend on the individual
一箭之遥 within a stone's throw
别无选择 have no choice but to do
情不自禁 can't help doing
迫不得已 can do nothing but to do
迫不及待 can hardly wait to do
化险为夷 turn danger into safety
每况愈下 from bad to worse
安然无恙 safe and sound
全心全意/一心一意 heart and soul/whole-hearted
奋不顾身 have no through for one's own safety
视而不见/充耳不闻 turn a blind eye to/turn a deaf ear to
三言两语 in a few words
大相径庭 be totally different
不折不扣 extremely/completely
粗心大意 careless/carelessness
不计其数 countless
引人入胜 attractive
焕然一新 take on a new look
置之不理 take no notice of
固执己见 stick to one's own opinion
不屑一顾 throw all cantion to the winds
忍无可忍 can no longer put up with
不得而知 remain unknown
因人而异 vary from person to person/depend on the individual
一箭之遥 within a stone's throw
别无选择 have no choice but to do
情不自禁 can't help doing
迫不得已 can do nothing but to do
迫不及待 can hardly wait to do
化险为夷 turn danger into safety
每况愈下 from bad to worse
安然无恙 safe and sound
全心全意/一心一意 heart and soul/whole-hearted
奋不顾身 have no through for one's own safety
视而不见/充耳不闻 turn a blind eye to/turn a deaf ear to
三言两语 in a few words