Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2010 The CW Network, LLC
到现在,我们只知道历史哥的两件事:有无数死去的女友和每次教历史课必定宿醉。这位吸血鬼猎人至今并没有做什么冒险的事情,但根据TV Guide 报道,一切都将改变。这位法国波旁皇族的狂热爱好者,最近没有被牵涉到吸血鬼的各种事情中,但不久我们就会了解到历史哥到处惹是生非的过去。
“他很多过去会被透露出来,”Davis告诉TV Guide。“那些他努力去做的事情对他来说是为洗涤罪行和救赎。”我们同样也会知道为什么Elena对她的历史老师,导师或是称为冲浪教练如此信赖。如果这能帮Alaric卷入这次行动,我们都很期待。如果Alaric抓到了那个让小镇恐怖弥漫的谋杀犯,会多威武?
Vampire Diaries Spoilers: Alaric’s Past Will Be Revealed about 6 hours ago by Jenny McGrath Until now, Alaric (Matt Davis) has been known for two things: having lots of dead girlfriends and never showing up to teach history class without a hangover. The Vampire Diaries’ vampire hunter hasn’t done much staking as of late, but according to TV Guide, that’s about to change. The bourbon aficionado may not be involved in many vamp takedowns these days, but we’ll soon learn more about Alaric’s badass past. “A lot more of his past will be revealed," Davis tells TV Guide. "Things that he's been struggling with will be purged and come into clarity for him." We’ll also see why Elena (Nina Dobrev) puts so much faith in her history teacher/guardian/coach surfer. If this helps Alaric get more involved in the action, we’re all for it. How awesome would it be if Alaric caught the murderer who’s been terrorizing the town?
Source: TV Guide 人人网吸血鬼日记公共主页新闻组出品 原创翻译TUTU 搜集审核小狼。如需转载,请注明译者及出处!