1.1. The relation between quantum and relativity theories One of the most important new concepts introduced by Relativity is the inertia ofenergy. Following EINSTEIN, energy may be considered as being equivalent to mass,and all mass represents energy. Mass and energy may always be related one to another by (1.1.1) energy=mass x c2 where c is a constant known as the “speed of light”, but which, for reasons delineatedbelow, we prefer to denote the “limit speed of energy.” In so far as there is always afixed proportionality between mass and energy, we may regard material and energy astwo terms for the same physical reality.
Beginning from atomic theory, electronic theory leads us to consider matter as beingessentially discontinuous, and this in turn, contrary to traditional ideas regarding light,leads us to consider admitting that energy is entirely concentrated in small regions ofspace, if not even condensed at singularities.