we will be with you~because ichiruki fans are a big family~I'm glad we are connected as Ichiruki´s fans. we will support you forever
——yrsherry From Baidu IR-FC
I'm not good at expressing myself in English.
I know exactly what happened because I was lurking at that time. And BA mods lie!
I've been enjoying those wonderful posts/goodies/arts in IR-FC for years.
Thank you guys! I will always support you!
Wherever you go, I'll follow.
——blackwings From Baidu IR-FC
——yrsherry From Baidu IR-FC
I'm not good at expressing myself in English.
I know exactly what happened because I was lurking at that time. And BA mods lie!
I've been enjoying those wonderful posts/goodies/arts in IR-FC for years.
Thank you guys! I will always support you!
Wherever you go, I'll follow.
——blackwings From Baidu IR-FC