手持白光巨剑的魁梧男子正在和体型足足有30丈高的巨龙打的难分难舍,远距离的法师和祭司正不断往巨龙身上释放法术(全部被免疫,龙是免疫魔法的)和对魁梧男子进行法术治疗。“You damn there reptiles,dares to tease the great Hera close!”巨龙愤怒的怒吼道,显然不是对正在与它缠斗的对手说,而是那些正在释放法术的法师和祭司们。“The great Hera close,we didn't mean to offend you,but if you from your mansion on our land,we even don't want to take up arms and you fight!”从树林中走出来一道倩影,并对巨龙大声交谈的便是诺尔公主,司马嘉嘉。“Man, you can understand the ancient elven language?”巨龙的目光聚集的到了司马嘉嘉身上,“Can let your men to stop the great Hera Close blasphemy?”“Of course, the great dragon sir.”司马嘉嘉很细致的对巨龙作出一套陌生的礼仪,并示意魁梧男子和众多法师祭司停止对巨龙的攻击。