Onew: the murderer. Blue paint which is everywhere in Onew’s teaser photos: blue paint were used to hide crime scenes in Sherlock Holmes. Wearing clothes-to hide his hands which has blue paint on it. The only one smiling.
Key-the person who got murdered. Blue paint on his arm: evidence that Onew killed him. How he lies down and looks blankly at the space: similar to how a corpse looks.
Taemin: the person who saw the crime scene Green grapes: grapes are used for psychological purposes. Green is key’s hair colour.
Minho: the person behind this murder No real evident evidence. Just that he looks really relaxed and comfortable.’
So we can assume that maybe Jjong is Sherlock.
Onew: the murderer. Blue paint which is everywhere in Onew’s teaser photos: blue paint were used to hide crime scenes in Sherlock Holmes. Wearing clothes-to hide his hands which has blue paint on it. The only one smiling.
Key-the person who got murdered. Blue paint on his arm: evidence that Onew killed him. How he lies down and looks blankly at the space: similar to how a corpse looks.
Taemin: the person who saw the crime scene Green grapes: grapes are used for psychological purposes. Green is key’s hair colour.
Minho: the person behind this murder No real evident evidence. Just that he looks really relaxed and comfortable.’
So we can assume that maybe Jjong is Sherlock.