pivot (杠杆)支点,枢轴 fulcrum (杠杆)支点 capstain 绞盘,起锚机 buckle 搭扣
nagging 挑剔的,不得安宁的 budge 微微移动,让步 nudge 微调,轻推 loch 湖,海湾
recoil 后座力,弹回,畏缩 pulverize 粉碎,破坏 downpour 暴雨 fluke 侥幸成功
smithereens 碎片,小块 mincemeat 肉馅 an uphill battle 逆境求胜
a moment of birth, 诞生的喜悦? and terror 还有恐惧
本楼图2 shorten the sling so it releases sooner and goes higher
左右角度的微调只要调整弹道就可以了 move the channel of the ball a little bit to
the side so we can change our angle of attack...