星期五的早上,阿狸把自己夹在晾衣服的绳子上,想把耳朵拉长… ——据说是因为他爱上了那只兔子。 Friday morning, ali, his clothes caught in the rope, wants the ear spin... -it is said that because he falls in love with a rabbit.
6.我相信世界上存在着童话,王子和公主永远在金色城堡里幸福的守望爱情, 世界上的精灵在黑暗里看着我们,我站在金色的麦田中,一个喷嚏,金色荡漾.... I belive in fairy tales, the prince and the princess were living in the golden castle blissfully and guarding their love. Elfs in the world was watching us form the darkness, I standed in the rye,violent sneezed, golden poppled.