1. 随着现代科技的发展 2. 生死攸关的事
3. 遵照用法说明 4. 克服你在语言学习中遇到的困难
5. 朝着加油站的方向 6. 为慈善组织慷慨捐助
7. 两打这些鸡蛋 8. 迫使许多房产中介纷纷破产 (drive)
9. 大学辍学 10. 繁星点点的夜空 dot
11. 把滴水的水龙头关了 12. 把废物倾倒在河里 dump
14. 致力于帮助残疾人的志愿者们
15. 均衡的饮食 16. 消化/吸收你在课堂上学到的知识
17. drop me a line at your convenience 抄写并翻译
18. die away in the distance 抄写并翻译
1. 应加强纪律。
2. 我的办公室很近。distance
3. 这个地区的人口在过去的10年里翻了不止一倍。double
4. 工地上的噪音使学生们无法集中精神学习。distract
5. 毫无疑问我的大学学费将花去我父母的一大笔储蓄。drain(n.)
1. With the development of modern science and technology
2. a matter of life and death//mean the difference between life and death
3. follow the directions/ instructions
4. overcome every difficult that you meet with in your language learning
5. In the direction of the gas station
6. make a generous donation to the charity
7. two dozen of these eggs
8. drive many housing agencies out of business
9. drop out of college
10. a sky dotted with twinkling stars
11. turn off the dripping tap
12. dump the waste into the river
13. be dissatisfied with my recent academic performance
14. volunteers devoted to helping the disabled
15. (have) a well-balanced diet
16. digest what you’ve learned in class
17. drop me a line at your convenience
18. die away in the distance
1. Discipline should be strengthened.
2. My office is within walking distance.
3. The population in this area is more than doubled.
has doubled what it was 10 years.
4. The noise from the construction site distracted the students from their study.
5. There is no doubt that my college tuition fee will be a great drain on my parents’ savings.
1. 随着现代科技的发展 2. 生死攸关的事
3. 遵照用法说明 4. 克服你在语言学习中遇到的困难
5. 朝着加油站的方向 6. 为慈善组织慷慨捐助
7. 两打这些鸡蛋 8. 迫使许多房产中介纷纷破产 (drive)
9. 大学辍学 10. 繁星点点的夜空 dot
11. 把滴水的水龙头关了 12. 把废物倾倒在河里 dump
14. 致力于帮助残疾人的志愿者们
15. 均衡的饮食 16. 消化/吸收你在课堂上学到的知识
17. drop me a line at your convenience 抄写并翻译
18. die away in the distance 抄写并翻译
1. 应加强纪律。
2. 我的办公室很近。distance
3. 这个地区的人口在过去的10年里翻了不止一倍。double
4. 工地上的噪音使学生们无法集中精神学习。distract
5. 毫无疑问我的大学学费将花去我父母的一大笔储蓄。drain(n.)
1. With the development of modern science and technology
2. a matter of life and death//mean the difference between life and death
3. follow the directions/ instructions
4. overcome every difficult that you meet with in your language learning
5. In the direction of the gas station
6. make a generous donation to the charity
7. two dozen of these eggs
8. drive many housing agencies out of business
9. drop out of college
10. a sky dotted with twinkling stars
11. turn off the dripping tap
12. dump the waste into the river
13. be dissatisfied with my recent academic performance
14. volunteers devoted to helping the disabled
15. (have) a well-balanced diet
16. digest what you’ve learned in class
17. drop me a line at your convenience
18. die away in the distance
1. Discipline should be strengthened.
2. My office is within walking distance.
3. The population in this area is more than doubled.
has doubled what it was 10 years.
4. The noise from the construction site distracted the students from their study.
5. There is no doubt that my college tuition fee will be a great drain on my parents’ savings.