A: Right, I found some biscuits and some strepsils. Who wants what?
D: I think we can probably risk both having the biscuits.
A: Skipper, are you all right?
M: Yes.
A: Are you sure? You are sort of gray colour. And you didn't even try the surprising rice.
M: I'm fine.
A: No, really. Is there something..
D: A, you were asking why the air over the wind has to keep up with the air underneath?
A: Oh, yes, do you know?
D: Indeed, I do. Attend【我觉得像是attention之类的,但是听又的确是attend…】. The air is not passing over the wing. The wing is passing through the air. So the curved upper side stretches the air forced over it apart, reducing pressure, producing lift. The lift pushes up. The weight pushes down. So as long as the lift is more than the weight, up we go and that, my friend, is how an aeroplane flies.
A: Got it! Right. Yes. Cracking. I completely get it now.
D: Good. You see, is that quite easy to grasp when it's explained properly by someone who understands..【吐槽一下其实我觉得D解释得还不如M解释的…都不太懂啊QAQ】
A: So that's why planes can't fly upside and down?
D: Uh..Yes, they can.
A: Can they?
D: Well, of course they can. Haven't you seen the Red Arrows?
A: But doesn't that mean the curved side of the wing is on the bottom? So the lift is pushing down, as well as the weight. How does that work?
M: Yes, D, How does that work?【爱死了这个bitchy的小语气】
D: Well, A, there's a very simple explanation. But just to finish what we were saying, M, I think it's entirely up to you whether you let the cat in the hold freezed to death.
A: What?!
M: D!
A: Skipper!
D: No one wants to hear the explanation. What a shame!【捶地笑….】
A: Why?! Why would you do that?
M: I'm not doing it on purpose, A!
A: Then why are you doing it at all?
M: Seems the cargo hold heating may not have been turned on.
D: Masterly use of the passive voice.【神吐槽啊…】
A: But, Skipper, it's really cold as high up as this.
M: Yes, thank you, Professor Science.
A: So we should turn the heating on.
M: Yes, okay, good idea. You could do it. Just climb out over the wing and wrench open the hold door, switch yourself in【这儿到底是肿么把自己弄进去啊啊啊….】 and adjust the thermostat.
A: Okay, how will I..
M: Not really!【哈哈哈哈哈哈…】
A: Oh, oh, I've got an idea. We could divert. If we landed now, the cat might be okay.
D: Well done, A! Why didn't we think of that, M?
M: A, I know he's a lovely cat. But it, it costs thousands and thousands of pounds to divert. You remember your mother and her thoughts about that?
A: Right. Yes. But, you know, i's just a sweet little pussy cat..
M: It's not. I's a crazy psycho-cat. Look at yourself, A. You have open wounds.
A: Yeah, I, I suppose so. But, it's going to get really cold,
M: Ah..
A: And, you know..die.
M: So, you want me to divert? Is that it? You want me to ditch in Nowheresville Normandy? You want me to tell C I do have the absolute cast iron excuse she demanded for diverting and it goes Miaow.【等不及想翻译这一段了哈哈哈哈….】
A: Yes, please.
M: All right, fine. Fine! All right. It's only a job. There'll be other jobs. France control, this is Golf-Tango-India. Request immediate diversion to nearest airfield.
France Control: Roger, Golf-Tango-India. Do you have an emergency?
M: Well, uh..we've got..
D: One moment, please, Tower.
M: What is it, D?
D: Captain..【划火柴!!!哈哈哈…】 I do believe I can smell smoke in the flight deck. Can you smell smoke in the flight deck, Captain?
M: Yes..Yes, I can, D. Could you request an immediate diversion, please?
D: Certainly, Sir.【最后还不忘sir的梗儿…】