The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting. - Charles Bukowski
Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake. Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
One cannot find peace in work or in pleasure, in the world or in a convent, but only in one's soul. W. Somerset Maugham(1874-1965) 没有人能在工作或享乐中找到平安,或这个世界上或在修道院里,唯有在人的灵魂里才能找到。 -毛姆 (张爱玲特别喜欢的英国小说家)
To attain happiness in another world we need only to believe something, while to secure it in this world we must do something. Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935)