没有反应? Then i will continue ,thanks you very much !!!!!!! i hate that 吧规 a lot ,who set it ? it even didn't make any sence!!!!!!!!!!!! later i will give you a chinese ~ but right now ,english first
5楼的 没有反应? Then i will continue ,thanks you very much !!!!!!! i hate that 吧规 a lot ,who set it ? it even didn't make any sence!!!!!!!!!!!! later i will give you a chinese ~ but right now ,english first 没有反应? 那咱就会继续,感谢万分!!!!!!! 咱十分讨厌这吧规,谁订下的? 它根本就不合符常理,逻辑!!!!!!!!! 迟一点咱就会给你一个中文版~ 不过现在,会是英文