在印度出生的Sara Crewe原本是集三千宠爱於一身的富家千金,由父亲Captain Crewe带至伦敦的学院求学,过著备受礼遇的学院生活。却在最欢欣的生日宴会当天,获知父亲因急病在印度内地去世、宣布破产的消息,她瞬间由公主般的地位跌落成为受尽欺凌的学院女佣。尽管经历这些不幸遭遇,体验人情冷暖,她仍旧保持乐观,用最真诚的态度待人。她的善良、高贵、以及点石成金的想像力,使她就像一位真正的公主,获得所有人的喜爱。
Sara Crewe is a very intelligent, polite, and creative young girl. Born to a wealthy soldier stationed in India, Captain Crewe, Sara was sent all the way from India (her birthplace) to London for a formal education. Sara soon meets the headmistress of the school Miss Minchin, who dislikes Sara from the start, but tries to flatter her because of her father's money. Sara spends some days with her father, and goes around town to buy clothes. She desperately searches for a doll that suits her. She finally finds one and names her "Emily". Sara's father leaves Sara and goes back to India. She is hated by Lavinia, who is jealous of her and was the former "princess" in the school, prior to Sara's arrival. On Sara's eleventh birthday, she receives a doll from her papa, naming it as "Last doll" as she will soon be too grown up for dolls. Just then, Miss Minchin receives a letter stating that Sara's father died after his friend ran away with all his money. She cruelly tells Sara that from now on, she will have to work. Sara lives in the attic with her new animal friend Melchizedek, a rat, and Becky, who lives in the next-door attic. Her third friend, the dull Ermengarde St. John visits her. Meanwhile, an ill man from India, Tom Carrisford, has arrived in the house next to the school, in search of his friend's daughter, hoping to find her in Paris or Russia. The story takes a turn as the friend of Mr. Carrisford was Captain Crewe and he is currently searching for his daughter, Sara. He does not guess that she is there in the next building. One day, his assistant, Ram Dass, happens to see Sara after his monkey goes into her room. He climbs the roof to retrieve the monkey, and sees the condition of Sara's room. He tells Mr. Carrisford about it and they make Sara's life better by presenting gifts and surprises. Sara, who is very thankful to the "mysterious friend", cannot figure out who the "friend" is. Then, one day, the monkey goes into her room again in the middle of the night and she decides to return it the next morning. In the morning, she slowly gets to know the truth and the book ends on a happy note as Sara truly proves that she is a "Princess".
在印度出生的Sara Crewe原本是集三千宠爱於一身的富家千金,由父亲Captain Crewe带至伦敦的学院求学,过著备受礼遇的学院生活。却在最欢欣的生日宴会当天,获知父亲因急病在印度内地去世、宣布破产的消息,她瞬间由公主般的地位跌落成为受尽欺凌的学院女佣。尽管经历这些不幸遭遇,体验人情冷暖,她仍旧保持乐观,用最真诚的态度待人。她的善良、高贵、以及点石成金的想像力,使她就像一位真正的公主,获得所有人的喜爱。
Sara Crewe is a very intelligent, polite, and creative young girl. Born to a wealthy soldier stationed in India, Captain Crewe, Sara was sent all the way from India (her birthplace) to London for a formal education. Sara soon meets the headmistress of the school Miss Minchin, who dislikes Sara from the start, but tries to flatter her because of her father's money. Sara spends some days with her father, and goes around town to buy clothes. She desperately searches for a doll that suits her. She finally finds one and names her "Emily". Sara's father leaves Sara and goes back to India. She is hated by Lavinia, who is jealous of her and was the former "princess" in the school, prior to Sara's arrival. On Sara's eleventh birthday, she receives a doll from her papa, naming it as "Last doll" as she will soon be too grown up for dolls. Just then, Miss Minchin receives a letter stating that Sara's father died after his friend ran away with all his money. She cruelly tells Sara that from now on, she will have to work. Sara lives in the attic with her new animal friend Melchizedek, a rat, and Becky, who lives in the next-door attic. Her third friend, the dull Ermengarde St. John visits her. Meanwhile, an ill man from India, Tom Carrisford, has arrived in the house next to the school, in search of his friend's daughter, hoping to find her in Paris or Russia. The story takes a turn as the friend of Mr. Carrisford was Captain Crewe and he is currently searching for his daughter, Sara. He does not guess that she is there in the next building. One day, his assistant, Ram Dass, happens to see Sara after his monkey goes into her room. He climbs the roof to retrieve the monkey, and sees the condition of Sara's room. He tells Mr. Carrisford about it and they make Sara's life better by presenting gifts and surprises. Sara, who is very thankful to the "mysterious friend", cannot figure out who the "friend" is. Then, one day, the monkey goes into her room again in the middle of the night and she decides to return it the next morning. In the morning, she slowly gets to know the truth and the book ends on a happy note as Sara truly proves that she is a "Princess".