UpdateBy Admin on March 24th, 2012 at 9:30 pm Posted In: UCGOR
Screenshots of the MS-14B, Ground GM and Sniper2. Also I am now working on getting the MS models animated so they can move.

Inventory is now partly working. The server can keep track of items you have in your backpack, bank, hangar and factories. Currently working on getting the client to show the content of your inventories. Screenshot of the backpack window, work in progress so it might look a bit “primitive”:
Screenshots of the MS-14B, Ground GM and Sniper2. Also I am now working on getting the MS models animated so they can move.

Inventory is now partly working. The server can keep track of items you have in your backpack, bank, hangar and factories. Currently working on getting the client to show the content of your inventories. Screenshot of the backpack window, work in progress so it might look a bit “primitive”: