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【short novel】 Congratulation Letter


1楼2012-05-20 03:02回复

    Hey, how have you been? I’m missing you, right now, right here.
    Thanks, dear. In a world where the only constant is change, you brought me eternity.
    Remember the first time I met you? You were on the stage making an introduction, while I was dumbly fixating my eyes at you. You are such a sparkling and shining guy and everything will simply become dull in your proximity. On the very first day when we knew about each other, I have found out one of your typical characters--volubility, for your introduction had lasted for more than 10 mins! But as opposed to feeling inpatient, I, on the other hand, felt it was too short – there weren’t many chances for me to stare at you so brazenly.
    Beauty is merely skin deep. Or so they say. I have to admit that he very first thing that had caught my eye is your beauty. But there is nothing wrong with it, since I loved all of you afterwards – no matter it is the bad you or the nice you.
    You called me “cutie”, “sweetie” and “honey” and any nickname that could be used for people in intimate relations, but in fact we are just friends, good friends perhaps. Cat said I was too subservient to you, and that’s being why you never fell in love with me. You love challenges, including girls. All your ex- have either decent looking or sexy body, and one of their typical features is – they did not love you initially. So you chased after them, and submerged in the great sense of success afterwards.
    I loved you, so I became the loser before the game even started and would never ever have a chance to replay our destiny. I started to ban myself from loving you. I tried to avoid gazing at you, talking to you, sms you. Yet in the end I realised that, as unavoidable as life itself, falling in love with you is simple inevitable in my life.
    SO I suppressed my love into the deep within, and acted as if nothing had happened. I told you, “Our friendship will never sour.” Yet you were definitely unaware that it had soured long before we became friends. I’m sorry. I cheated you. I’m a brazen liar. But that is the only way I can keep in touch with you.
    After graduation, you lost the track of me, but never did I. I knew every of your new girlfriends and buddies and classmates and roommates. For God’s sake, I must have known much more about you than your mom has. My friends said I was crazy, compromising my study time to search for your information. Yet I think it is all worth, so long as I still love me.
    Yet now, I decide to abandon you. Yep. ABANDON. A bit funny, right? But since you don’t care and will never know that I had ever fallen in love with you at the first place, I decided to use the word “abandon”. Rather cool, hah? At least it has somehow become my solace. It is me who decided to stop loving you, but not you, not you………
    Never mind…….
    Congrats, dear. Tomorrow is your wedding day, hope you can be happy for your whole life with your cute bride.

    2楼2012-05-20 03:03
      =.= 没检查啊我去 发先错字 先捉虫
      I loved you, so I had become the loser before the game even started and would never ever had a chance to replay our destiny.
      as unavoidable as life itself, falling in love with you is simply inevitable in my life.

      3楼2012-05-20 03:09
        decent lookings or sexy bodies

        4楼2012-05-20 04:00
          I still love you.,..

          5楼2012-05-20 04:02