Death be thy compass. 死亡为汝之罗盘。
Carry the Emperor's will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows. 携帝皇之圣意以为汝等之明炬,洞彼魍魉。
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. 愚不能疑为大福
To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor. 败而降者渎帝皇之圣威。
Prayer cleanses the soul, but pain cleanses the body. 祈祷涤魂,苦痛涤体。
There is only the Emperor, and he is our shield and protector. 唯存帝皇,乃吾等之庇佑。
A small mind is easily filled with faith. 驽钝则唯知忠贞。
For those who seek perfection there can be no rest this side of the grave. 精益求精,至死方息。
The difference between heresy and treachery is ignorance. 邪逆之判存夫蠹也。
Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets Retribution. 妄思则邪,妄邪则惩。
Knowledge is power, guard it well. 智识力也,戒之以谨。
A small mind is a tidy mind. 驽则弥坚。
An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded. 存妄思则如开门而揖盗。
Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. 宁残体肤,不坠心性。
Hope is the beginning of unhappiness. 欲则不乐。
If a job's worth doing it's worth dying for. 苟业之,则死之可也。
Innocence proves nothing. 无辜亦辜。
Only the awkward question; only the foolish ask twice. 疑者愚,复者痴。
Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair an illusion of the mind. 痛则身瘅,沮则心瘅。
Success is commemorated; Failure merely remembered. 胜当贺,败足戒。
The wise man learns from the deaths of others. 知死而戒谓之智。
Wisdom is the beginning of fear. 怯由智生。
Zeal is no excuse. 信不需释。
Zeal is its own excuse. 信者自信。
Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. 胜无可辨,败不容辨。
Know the mutant; kill the mutant. 知己知彼,百战百胜。
Death is the servant of the righteous. 死生从乎大义。
My armor is contempt. 卑贱为吾之甲胄。
Ignorance is a virtue. 无知乃至善。
A wise man does not fear, a man afraid does not think. 智者无惧,惧者不思。
Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. 无所有者尚牺一命。
Only in death does duty end. 担当不绝,惟殪而止。
Excuses are the refuge of the weak. 弱者多诿。
Kill, kill, kill! 戮之!
Faith is your shield. 虔信乃尔等之庇护。
All souls cry out for salvation. 普罗众生,皆望一赎。
Without Him there is nothing. 帝皇出而天地创。
Damnation is eternal. 咒诅长存。
Cease and Repent. 常涤己罪。
Submit to His will. 帝命是从。
Purity of purpose. 存心至诚。
Curse now the death in vain. 不知餍者徒死尔。
His will be done. 帝命必达。
No man died in His service that died in vain. 效死帝皇,死不枉也。
Death be thy compass. 死亡为汝之罗盘。
Carry the Emperor's will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows. 携帝皇之圣意以为汝等之明炬,洞彼魍魉。
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. 愚不能疑为大福
To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor. 败而降者渎帝皇之圣威。
Prayer cleanses the soul, but pain cleanses the body. 祈祷涤魂,苦痛涤体。
There is only the Emperor, and he is our shield and protector. 唯存帝皇,乃吾等之庇佑。
A small mind is easily filled with faith. 驽钝则唯知忠贞。
For those who seek perfection there can be no rest this side of the grave. 精益求精,至死方息。
The difference between heresy and treachery is ignorance. 邪逆之判存夫蠹也。
Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets Retribution. 妄思则邪,妄邪则惩。
Knowledge is power, guard it well. 智识力也,戒之以谨。
A small mind is a tidy mind. 驽则弥坚。
An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded. 存妄思则如开门而揖盗。
Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. 宁残体肤,不坠心性。
Hope is the beginning of unhappiness. 欲则不乐。
If a job's worth doing it's worth dying for. 苟业之,则死之可也。
Innocence proves nothing. 无辜亦辜。
Only the awkward question; only the foolish ask twice. 疑者愚,复者痴。
Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair an illusion of the mind. 痛则身瘅,沮则心瘅。
Success is commemorated; Failure merely remembered. 胜当贺,败足戒。
The wise man learns from the deaths of others. 知死而戒谓之智。
Wisdom is the beginning of fear. 怯由智生。
Zeal is no excuse. 信不需释。
Zeal is its own excuse. 信者自信。
Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. 胜无可辨,败不容辨。
Know the mutant; kill the mutant. 知己知彼,百战百胜。
Death is the servant of the righteous. 死生从乎大义。
My armor is contempt. 卑贱为吾之甲胄。
Ignorance is a virtue. 无知乃至善。
A wise man does not fear, a man afraid does not think. 智者无惧,惧者不思。
Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. 无所有者尚牺一命。
Only in death does duty end. 担当不绝,惟殪而止。
Excuses are the refuge of the weak. 弱者多诿。
Kill, kill, kill! 戮之!
Faith is your shield. 虔信乃尔等之庇护。
All souls cry out for salvation. 普罗众生,皆望一赎。
Without Him there is nothing. 帝皇出而天地创。
Damnation is eternal. 咒诅长存。
Cease and Repent. 常涤己罪。
Submit to His will. 帝命是从。
Purity of purpose. 存心至诚。
Curse now the death in vain. 不知餍者徒死尔。
His will be done. 帝命必达。
No man died in His service that died in vain. 效死帝皇,死不枉也。