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【English Corner】harry_army English Corner,prohibit Chinese


On floor H.A.
And I wish we can learn English there.I wish you like there.

1楼2012-05-27 20:03回复
    Are there anybody ?

    2楼2012-05-27 20:04
      Dramione !
      Pernabeth !
      Jamily !
      Toma ! (Felson)

      3楼2012-05-27 20:11
        Percy Jackson 7
        [We just have English edition now ,who can
        understand it ?]
        THE SNAKE-HAIRED LADIES WERE starting to annoy Percy.
        They should have died three days ago when he dropped
        a crate of bowling balls on them at the Napa Bargain Mart.
        They should have died two days ago when he ran over
        them with a police car in Martinez. They definitely should
        have died this morning when he cut off their heads in Tilden
        No matter how many times Percy killed them and
        watched them crumble to powder, they just kept re-forming
        like large evil dust bunnies. He couldn’t even seem to
        outrun them.
        He reached the top of the hill and caught his breath. How
        long since he’d last killed them? Maybe two hours. They
        never seemed to stay dead longer than that.
        The past few days, he’d hardly slept. He’d eaten
        whatever he could scrounge – vending machine gummi
        bears, stale bagels, even a Jack in the Crack burrito, which
        was a new personal low. His clothes were torn, burnt and
        splattered with monster slime.
        He’d only survived this long because the two snakehaired
        ladies – gorgons, they called themselves – couldn’t
        seem to kill him either. Their claws didn’t cut his skin. Their
        teeth broke whenever they tried to bite him. But Percy
        couldn’t keep going much longer. Soon he’d collapse from
        exhaustion, and then, as hard as he was to kill, he was
        pretty sure the gorgons would find a way.
        Where to run?
        He scanned his surroundings. Under different
        circumstances, he might’ve enjoyed the view. To his left,
        golden hills rolled inland, dotted with lakes, woods and a
        few herds of cows. To his right, the flatlands of Berkeley
        and Oakland marched west – a vast chequerboard of
        neighbourhoods, with several million people who probably
        did not want their morning interrupted by two monsters and
        a filthy demigod.
        Further west, San Francisco Bay glittered under a silvery
        haze. Past that, a wall of fog had swallowed most of San
        Francisco, leaving just the tops of skyscrapers and the
        towers of the Golden Gate Bridge.
        A vague sadness weighed on Percy’s chest. Something
        told him he’d been to San Francisco before. The city had
        some connection to Annabeth – the only person he could
        remember from his past. His memory of her was
        frustratingly dim. The wolf had promised he would see her
        again and regain his memory – if he succeeded in his
        Should he try to cross the bay?
        It was tempting. He could feel the power of the ocean just
        over the horizon. Water always revived him. Salt water was
        the best. He’d discovered that two days ago when he had
        strangled a sea monster in the Carquinez Strait. If he could
        reach the bay, he might be able to make a last stand.
        Maybe he could even drown the gorgons. But the shore
        was at least two miles away. He’d have to cross an entire
        city. He hesitated for another reason. The she-wolf Lupa had

        4楼2012-05-27 20:18
          this. I don’t even remember killing Medusa. I don’t
          remember anything! Can’t we just call a truce and talk
          about your weekly specials?’
          Stheno gave her sister a pouty look, which was hard to
          do with giant bronze tusks. ‘Can we?’
          ‘No!’ Euryale’s red eyes bored into Percy. ‘I don’t care
          what you remember, son of the sea god. I can smell
          Medusa’s blood on you. It’s faint, yes, several years old, but
          you were the last one to defeat her. She still has not
          returned from Tartarus. It’s your fault!’
          Percy didn’t really get that. The whole ‘dying then
          returning from Tartarus’ concept gave him a headache. Of
          course, so did the idea that a ballpoint pen could turn into a
          sword, or that monsters could disguise themselves with
          something called the Mist, or that Percy was the son of a
          barnacle-encrusted god from five thousand years ago. But
          he did believe it. Even though his memory was erased, he
          knew he was a demigod the same way he knew his name
          was Percy Jackson. From his very first conversation with
          Lupa the wolf, he’d accepted that this crazy messed-up
          world of gods and monsters was his reality. Which pretty
          much sucked.
          ‘How about we call it a draw?’ he said. ‘I can’t kill you.
          You can’t kill me. If you’re Medusa’s sisters – like the
          Medusa who turned people to stone – shouldn’t I be
          petrified by now?’
          ‘Heroes!’ Euryale said with disgust. ‘They always bring
          that up, just like our mother! “Why can’t you turn people to
          stone? Your sister can turn people to stone.” Well, I’m sorry
          to disappoint you, boy! That was Medusa’s curse alone.
          She was the most hideous one in the family. She got all the
          Stheno looked hurt. ‘Mother said I was the most
          ‘Quiet!’ Euryale snapped. ‘As for you, Percy Jackson, it’s
          true you bear the mark of Achilles. That makes you a little
          tougher to kill. But don’t worry. We’ll find a way.’
          ‘The mark of what?’
          ‘Achilles,’ Stheno said cheerfully. ‘Oh, he was gorgeous!
          Dipped in the River Styx as a child, you know, so he was
          invulnerable except for a tiny spot on his ankle. That’s what
          happened to you, dear. Someone must’ve dumped you in
          the Styx and made your skin like iron. But not to worry.
          Heroes like you always have a weak spot. We just have to
          find it, and then we can kill you. Won’t that be lovely? Have
          a Cheese ’n’ Wiener!’
          Percy tried to think. He didn’t remember any dip in the
          Styx. Then again, he didn’t remember much of anything. His
          skin didn’t feel like iron, but it would explain how he’d held
          out so long against the gorgons.
          Maybe if he just fell down the mountain … would he
          survive? He didn’t want to risk it – not without something to
          slow the fall, or a sled, or …
          He looked at Stheno’s large silver platter of free
          Hmm …
          ‘Reconsidering?’ Stheno asked. ‘Very wise, dear. I
          added some gorgon’s blood to these, so your death will be

          7楼2012-05-27 20:18
            quick and painless.’
            Percy’s throat constricted. ‘You added your blood to the
            Cheese ’n’ Wieners?’
            ‘Just a little.’ Stheno smiled. ‘A tiny nick on my arm, but
            you’re sweet to be concerned. Blood from our right side
            can cure anything, you know, but blood from our left side is
            deadly –’
            ‘You dimwit!’ Euryale screeched. ‘You’re not supposed to
            tell him that! He won’t eat the wieners if you tell him they’re
            Stheno looked stunned. ‘He won’t? But I said it would be
            quick and painless.’
            ‘Never mind!’ Euryale’s fingernails grew into claws. ‘We’ll
            kill him the hard way – just keep slashing until we find the
            weak spot. Once we defeat Percy Jackson, we’ll be more
            famous than Medusa! Our patron will reward us greatly!’
            Percy gripped his sword. He’d have to time his move
            perfectly – a few seconds of confusion, grab the platter with
            his left hand …
            Keep them talking, he thought.
            ‘Before you slash me to bits,’ he said, ‘who’s this patron
            you mentioned?’
            Euryale sneered. ‘The goddess Gaia, of course! The one
            who brought us back from oblivion! You won’t live long
            enough to meet her, but your friends below will soon face
            her wrath. Even now, her armies are marching south. At the
            Feast of Fortune, she’ll awaken, and the demigods will be
            cut down like – like –’
            ‘Like our low prices at Bargain Mart!’ Stheno suggested.
            ‘Gah!’ Euryale stormed towards her sister. Percy took
            the opening. He grabbed Stheno’s platter, scattering
            poisoned Cheese ’n’ Wieners, and slashed Riptide across
            Euryale’s waist, cutting her in half.
            He raised the platter, and Stheno found herself facing her
            own greasy reflection.
            ‘Medusa!’ she screamed.
            Her sister Euryale had crumbled to dust, but she was
            already starting to re-form, like a snowman un-melting.
            ‘Stheno, you fool!’ she gurgled as her half-made face
            rose from the mound of dust. ‘That’s just your own
            reflection! Get him!’
            Percy slammed the metal tray on top of Stheno’s head,
            and she passed out cold.
            He put the platter behind his butt, said a silent prayer to
            whatever Roman god oversaw stupid sledding tricks and
            jumped off the side of the hill.

            8楼2012-05-27 20:18
              I know I`m crazy ...

              9楼2012-05-27 20:20
                My mom says"You are the ox baby."

                IP属地:山东11楼2012-05-31 21:21
                  “No Chinese!”ZZZ says.

                  IP属地:山东12楼2012-05-31 21:22
                    all right!

                    IP属地:新加坡13楼2012-06-01 13:35
                      Who support GL or BL?

                      IP属地:山东14楼2012-07-02 19:50