随着我国加入WTO和全球经济日益一体化,国外大型连锁企业纷纷进入我国,给国内连锁企业带来巨大的冲击。我国本土连锁超市企业虽然得到了长足的发展,但与国际大型连锁超市企业相比无论在物流设施还是物流运作模式上都相距甚远。如何提高企业在市场中的竞争力,是目前国内连锁企业思考的问题,配送作为连锁经营最重要的一环出现在人们的视线中。因此,连锁超市的物流配送问题一直是学术和实物领域的研究重点。本文主要运用了系统分析法、比较法和案例分析法,提出了论文主要的研究框架。通过对大量连锁超市的系统分析研究和比较分析,并结合实际的案例对我国连锁超市物流配送存在的主要问题进行深入的剖析。对这些问题产生的根源以及相应的对策进行研究总结,为我国连锁超市物流配送问题提出建设性的建议。 with our country joinning the WTO and the Economic Integration and Large foreign chain enterprise has come to our country,this has big shake to domestic chain enterprise.Eventhough our domestic chain enterprise has a long development, it has big inadequate to large foreign chain enterprise in the Logistics fasility and Logistics Operational Mode. How to improve the enterprise" competitive power is the question that our domestic chain enterprise is thinking of . Distribution and delivery as an important process has come to our sight.so the Distribution and delivery of big chain supermarkets is always the important issue that academic and practice field has been always studied and discussde.This paper uses the System Analysis Approach,comparison method and Case Analysis Method,putting forward to the main frame .with a large amount of system analysis and comparative study to many large chain enterprise,combining the real case of the question that the chain enterprise " Distribution and delivery.By studing and discussing the root of these question and sum up the countermeasure to these quetions ,put forward to the constructive proposal for the distribution and delivery of the big chain supmarkets.