The more a person parades something,the more he wants it. Flaunt is just a display which enlargs something boundlessly to gloss over the void in heart. 人越是缺少什么,就越是爱炫耀什么。炫耀,只是将现有的某种东西无限放大来遮掩内心空虚的一种表现。
Winning is great but if I've done my best, I accept whatever the outcome——赢,固然好,但如果我已经尽了全力,无论结果怎样我都能接受。
When money speaks, truth keeps silent。 -Russian Proverb 钱站出来说话的时候,真相就保持沉默了。
Winning is great but if I've done my best, I accept whatever the outcome——赢,固然好,但如果我已经尽了全力,无论结果怎样我都能接受。
When money speaks, truth keeps silent。 -Russian Proverb 钱站出来说话的时候,真相就保持沉默了。