2005-05-05 Hello, This is Park Shin-yang.
Hello, This is Park Shin-yang.
Thank you all for waiting for the parkshinyang.com;s 2nd phase opening.
I have thought about building this homepage for about 6 months as a way to meet friends from many different countries.
Now, the parkshinyang.com is open, despite my unfamiliarity with computers.
Due to starting very hurriedly, I feel lacking about the site in many ways and a bit unsatisfied.
But, I plan to fill it with contents, a little by little.
And, in about 3 years I assume, this small space would be filled with many beautiful memories.
Although we maybe at a humble beginning,
I truly thank all of you for your generous acceptance,
and for your active participations on this homepage, which I feel, fulfills and completes many areas it is still lacking.
And, of course, I like to thank all the staff at the parkshinyang.com, who has worked so hard to make the 1st and the 2nd phase opening possible.
I wish you happiness...