完整标题:冒签像吃饭一样简单,却不知道自己可能被饭哽死。别相信签名版。Forging is like having a meal, but you don't know if you're going to get choke by it.
【别相信签名版。Do not believe in autograph albums.】
Please do not get distracted, believe in autograph albums blindly, treat them more important than SJ. All those albums that are counted in Hanteo Chart are collected with sweat.
Not sure how you feel about 6jib, I personally am very pleased. There used to be voices of “SJ looks more like variety show comedians than singers”, their talent, can only be reveal during concerts most of the times. Those songs in the past always lack something, this time, the overall quality of the collection is quite good, at least I can hum a phrase or two for every song, and each song has it’s character, it’s easy for non fans to find one that they like. Amongst them, a few songs can put tears to my eyes… (I am) feeling that the members are beginning to be able to capture the mood and feel, and sing their way to our hearts. From the innocence of 1jib, to this days, the three leading VOICE has perfected their skills, obviously gained though all those music shows & musicals they participated in. Some of those unique but not outstanding voices, are beginning to be felt too. I am not an expert, I am only comparing the various albums from debut till now, by my gut feel. This time, many have acknowledged their efforts. I believe, SJ is working very hard to prove they are singers, and not some pretty vases, nor a group of larger than life sunbae.
Leeteuk said he wished for 6jib to hit 500,000, he want to see his children winning GDA even though he is enlisting. Maybe there are many like me, breaking out in cold sweat… To many, the covers are not flattering, only the pocket size photocards inside are attractive. But everyone is thinking more of exchanging, why bother to buy more. No individual covers is already very disadvantage for us, the weight of the album is a even bigger killer. Under these shady circumstances, there are still people who are taking risk, buying albums that do not count into Hanteo Chart.
【别相信签名版。Do not believe in autograph albums.】
Please do not get distracted, believe in autograph albums blindly, treat them more important than SJ. All those albums that are counted in Hanteo Chart are collected with sweat.
Not sure how you feel about 6jib, I personally am very pleased. There used to be voices of “SJ looks more like variety show comedians than singers”, their talent, can only be reveal during concerts most of the times. Those songs in the past always lack something, this time, the overall quality of the collection is quite good, at least I can hum a phrase or two for every song, and each song has it’s character, it’s easy for non fans to find one that they like. Amongst them, a few songs can put tears to my eyes… (I am) feeling that the members are beginning to be able to capture the mood and feel, and sing their way to our hearts. From the innocence of 1jib, to this days, the three leading VOICE has perfected their skills, obviously gained though all those music shows & musicals they participated in. Some of those unique but not outstanding voices, are beginning to be felt too. I am not an expert, I am only comparing the various albums from debut till now, by my gut feel. This time, many have acknowledged their efforts. I believe, SJ is working very hard to prove they are singers, and not some pretty vases, nor a group of larger than life sunbae.
Leeteuk said he wished for 6jib to hit 500,000, he want to see his children winning GDA even though he is enlisting. Maybe there are many like me, breaking out in cold sweat… To many, the covers are not flattering, only the pocket size photocards inside are attractive. But everyone is thinking more of exchanging, why bother to buy more. No individual covers is already very disadvantage for us, the weight of the album is a even bigger killer. Under these shady circumstances, there are still people who are taking risk, buying albums that do not count into Hanteo Chart.