快乐学习营吧 关注:11贴子:247
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口语精华: 1. Rough night? 昨晚没睡好? 2. So much broo…


1. Rough night?昨晚没睡好?
2. So much brooding.你想太多了。
3. Can't be serious.不是吧?!
4. Lose the attitude.把那态度给我扔了。(当对方心里不满,有情绪时)
5. You sold me out.你出卖我!
6. We're stuck together.我们是一伙的了。
7. Fancy meeting you here.真没想到在这见到你啊!
8. What's happening to me?我怎么了?
9. Why the sudden change of heart?为什么突然改变主意了?
10. Any ideas how to handle this?有什么办法处理它吗?
11. I know it's asking a lot.我知道我要求有点多了。
12. Let's skip the part where we pretend.别装了。
13. I don't know why you think that you're a lost cause.我不明白为什么你认为自己肯定不行呢?
经典台词: 1. Elena: Because I'm not the kind of person who checks out. Look, he would never give up on me. I'm not gonna give up on him.因为我不是那种会撒手的人,他永远不会放弃我,我也不会放弃他。
2. Elena: You're not a lost cause, Ric. You're just lost. But so is Jeremy, and so am I.里克 ,你并没有一败涂地,你只是迷失了而已。杰里米也是 ,我也是。
3. Damon: Stefan's gone. I don't mean geographically.斯特凡离开了,心也不在了。
4. Matt: Not keeping up on her comings and goings anymore.我现在不去留意她的去向了。
5. Tyler: Look, man, I never meant for me and her being friends to be a problem for you.伙计,我从不想让我和她的友谊成为你的烦恼。

1楼2012-07-18 22:12回复


    2楼2012-07-18 22:19