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《秘密》(The Secret)文字版


秘密是Prime Time公司在2006年推出的一部纪录片,该片堪称成功学、财富学和人生指导的经典之作,动用许多重量级的专家学者,加上精彩的故事演绎和精美的影片制 作,极具说服和震撼力。
但是,正如其片名“秘密”所称,该片和创造人生的秘密一样,不为大多 数人所知。

1楼2012-07-27 08:45回复
    There are so many thoughts coming to you from so many different directions
    about so many different subjects.
    That's where your emotional guidance system comes in.
    Your emotions,
    your emotional guidance system
    is what helps you to understand what you're thinking.
    So, your thoughts cause your feelings.
    The emotions are this incredible gift that we have.
    To let us know what we're attracting.
    There are only two emotions from our perspective.
    One feels good and one feels bad.
    You call them all sorts of different things,
    but essentially all of those negative emotions,
    whether you call it guilt or anger, or frustration,
    ;不管你把它称作"负罪感", 还是"愤怒", 或者"沮丧",
    all feel much the same - they do not feel good.
    ;它们带来的感觉都一样 - 它们让你感觉很不好.
    And all of those, our guidance saying,
    ;所有的这些感觉, 是我们的导向系统在告诉我们,
    that what you're thinking about right now
    is not in line with what you are really wanting.
    On another level, it's called "bad frequency"
    or "bad vibes" or whatever you wanna call it.
    在另一层面,它被称之为"坏频率", 或"坏振动", 或其他什么名字.
    The one that feels good, that feeling of hope or happiness or love,
    ;让我们感觉好的情感, 让我们感到希望,感到幸福和爱,
    that good feeling,
    that positive emotion is, guidance saying,
    that what you're thinking right now
    is in alignment with what you're want.
    So, it's really so simple. It's right there. The answers are:
    ;因此,这是一个很简单的事情. 秘密就在这里. 答案就是:
    what am I attracting right now?
    How do you feel? I feel good.
    我感觉如何? 我感觉良好.
    Well good. keep doing that.
    Our feelings are a feedback mechanism to us
    about whether we're on track or not,
    whether we're on course or off course.
    The better you feel, the more in alignment you are.
    The worse you feel, the more out of alignment you are.
    你越是感觉不好, 就越是与理想不一致.
    What you are doing is you are moving through the variety of your day-to-day experience;
    is you're offering thoughts
    that are literally formulating your future experience.
    And you can tell by the way you feel
    if the things that you're moving toward
    will please you when you get there.
    And you're getting exactly what you're feeling about,
    not so much what you're thinking about.
    That's why people if they stub their toe, out of bed,

    8楼2012-07-27 08:49

      So, we'd like to say to you that the creative process
      is a three step process.
      Step one is: you must ask for what you want.
      第一步: 你必须要求你想要的东西.
      You do not need use words to ask.
      In fact, the Universe is not even hearing the words from you.
      The Universe is responding completely to your thought.
      What is you really want?
      Sit down and write it on a piece of paper.
      Write it in the present tense.
      坐下来把它写在一张纸上. 用"现在时态"来写.
      You might begin by writing, "I am so happy and grateful now that..."
      你可以这样开头, "我非常高兴和感激, 因为..."
      and then explain how do you want your life to be
      in every area.
      And this is really fun.
      This is like having the Universe as your catalogue
      and you flip through, and you go "well, I'd like to have this experience,
      and I'd like to have that product,
      and I'd like to have a person like that",
      it is you just placing your order with the Universe.
      It's really that easy.
      The second step is: answer. An answer to what you're asking.
      第二个步骤是: 应答.
      And that is not your work in your physical form.
      The Universe will do that step for you.
      All of the Universal forces are responding
      with the thoughts that you set in motion.
      "Your wish is my command."
      And the Universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you.
      宇宙会自行重组, 使之变为现实.
      Most of us have never allowed ourselves to want what we truly want
      because we can't see how it's going to manifest.
      If you do just a little research, it is gonna become evident to you
      that anyone that ever accomplished anything did not know how they were gonna do it, they only knew they were gonna do it.
      任何可以做成某件事情的人都并不知道他们将如何去做, 他们只是知道他们要作这件事.
      You do not need to know how it's gonna come about.
      You do not need to know how the Universe will rearrange itself.
      You don't know how.
      It'll be shown to you. you will attract the way.
      ;它会自己展现给你. 你吸引了这个过程.
      So, then our friend say, something must be going terribly wrong.
      那么, 我的朋友,你可能会说, 那肯定是有什么地方出错了.
      Because, I know I am asking so where is my stuff.
      因为, 我知道我在要求什么, 那么我的东西呢?
      And we say, you are asking, you are completing step one,

      11楼2012-07-27 08:53
        And I'm not just thinking about
        that I'm doing some road routine
        but I'm putting it out there
        and I'm feeling the feelings of gratitude.
        As soon as you start to feel differently
        about what you already have,
        you will start to attract more of the good things,
        more of the things you can be grateful for.
        Because, if you look around and say,
        "well look, I don't have the car I want,
        I don't have the house I want,
        ;"你看,我没有我想要得车, 我没有我想要的房子,
        I don't have the health I want,
        I don't have the spouse I want..."
        Back up. Back up.
        Those are all the things that you don't want.
        Focus on what you already have
        that you're grateful for.
        And it might be, you have the eyes to watch this.
        它可以是 - 你的眼睛可以看到的 -
        It might be the clothes that you have.
        Yes, you might prefer something else
        and you might get something else pretty soon
        if you start feeling grateful for what you have.
        I think everybody goes through times when they say,
        "oh man, things aren't working right"
        or "things are going bad".
        And there were some things going on in my family...
        and I found a rock.
        And I'm just sitting here holding this rock,
        you might see me carrying around.
        I found a rock. I stuck it in my pocket.
        我找到一块石头. 我将它放到我的口袋里.
        And I said, "you know what, every time I touch this rock
        I'm gonna think of something that I'm grateful for.
        And so every morning, when I get up
        in the morning, I pick it up off the dresser
        and put it in my pocket,
        and I go through the things that I am grateful for.
        At night, what do you do? You empty your pocket
        ;夜里,你会干什么? 你会掏空口袋
        and there it is again.
        And I've had some different
        experiences with that.
        关于这块石头, 我有些与众不同的经历.
        I've had some amazing experiences.
        I had a guy from South Africa. He saw me dropping it.
        我有一个朋友从南非来, 他看见我偶尔将这块石头弄掉地上.
        He said "what is that"?
        What's that?
        I explained it to him, so we started
        calling it the gratitude rock.
        Gratitude rock.
        Two weeks later I got an e-mail
        from him from South Africa.
        He said, "my son is dying from a rare disease,
        it's a type of hepatitis".
        He said, "would you send me three gratitude rocks?"

        16楼2012-07-27 08:55

          A lot of people will say, you know
          "come on, do I have to do that?"
          很多人会说, "算了吧,我真的必须这样吗?"
          How bad do you want change?
          Now, that feeling and that inner seeing
          will begin to be an open doorway
          through which the power of the Universe
          will begin to express.
          Our job is not to figure out the how.
          我们的工作不是要找出 "如何去实现".
          The how will show up out of the
          commitment and the belief and the what.
          The hows are the domain of the Universe.
          It always knows the shortest, quickest,
          fastest, most harmonious way
          ;宇宙总是知道哪条路最短,最快, 最和谐
          between you and your dream.
          If you're turning over to the Universe
          you will be surprised and dazzled
          ;如果你(将"如何"这个任务)交给宇宙, 你将会惊讶于
          by what is delivered to you.
          This is where magic and miracles happen.
          ; 魔术和奇迹就是在这里发生的.
          I would say that you wanna do this virtually daily, but
          my disclaimer is: this should never be a chore.
          What's really bottom line importance here
          to the whole secret is feeling good.
          You wanna feel exhilarated by this whole process.
          ; 你要在整个过程中都感到愉悦.
          You wanna be high, happy, in tune as much as possible.
          要尽可能的感觉high, 幸福, 和谐.
          The only difference between people
          who really are living this way
          and people who aren't living in the magic of life
          is that the people who are living in the magic of life have habituated ways of being.
          ;就是那些享有美妙生活的人, 他们已经习惯于这种生活方式.
          They have habituated this process
          and magic happens with them wherever they go.
          Because they remember it and they do it all the time,
          not as a one-time event.
          People hold that for a while, and they're really a champion at it,
          ;有人可能会坚持一阵子时间, 而且对之很在行,
          and they say, "you know what,
          I'm fired up, I saw this programme
          ;然后他们说,"你知道吗, 我很恼火,我看过这个节目
          and I'm gonna change my life.
          And yet, you know, results aren't
          showing, results aren't showing.
          但是, 你知道, 结果并没有出现,根本看不到结果.
          And beneath the surface
          it's just about ready to break through.
          就在表面之下, "结果"就将要破土而出了.
          And someone will look at the surface results
          and go, "this stuff doesn't work!"
          And you know what, the Universe says
          "your wish is my command".
          你知道会发生什么事吗? 宇宙会说
          And it goes down.

          19楼2012-07-27 08:59

            来自手机贴吧28楼2012-08-08 00:53

              来自手机贴吧29楼2012-08-11 15:51

                30楼2013-01-04 10:45