And I'm not just thinking about
that I'm doing some road routine
but I'm putting it out there
and I'm feeling the feelings of gratitude.
As soon as you start to feel differently
about what you already have,
you will start to attract more of the good things,
more of the things you can be grateful for.
Because, if you look around and say,
"well look, I don't have the car I want,
I don't have the house I want,
;"你看,我没有我想要得车, 我没有我想要的房子,
I don't have the health I want,
I don't have the spouse I want..."
Back up. Back up.
Those are all the things that you don't want.
Focus on what you already have
that you're grateful for.
And it might be, you have the eyes to watch this.
它可以是 - 你的眼睛可以看到的 -
It might be the clothes that you have.
Yes, you might prefer something else
and you might get something else pretty soon
if you start feeling grateful for what you have.
I think everybody goes through times when they say,
"oh man, things aren't working right"
or "things are going bad".
And there were some things going on in my family...
and I found a rock.
And I'm just sitting here holding this rock,
you might see me carrying around.
I found a rock. I stuck it in my pocket.
我找到一块石头. 我将它放到我的口袋里.
And I said, "you know what, every time I touch this rock
I'm gonna think of something that I'm grateful for.
And so every morning, when I get up
in the morning, I pick it up off the dresser
and put it in my pocket,
and I go through the things that I am grateful for.
At night, what do you do? You empty your pocket
;夜里,你会干什么? 你会掏空口袋
and there it is again.
And I've had some different
experiences with that.
关于这块石头, 我有些与众不同的经历.
I've had some amazing experiences.
I had a guy from South Africa. He saw me dropping it.
我有一个朋友从南非来, 他看见我偶尔将这块石头弄掉地上.
He said "what is that"?
What's that?
I explained it to him, so we started
calling it the gratitude rock.
Gratitude rock.
Two weeks later I got an e-mail
from him from South Africa.
He said, "my son is dying from a rare disease,
it's a type of hepatitis".
He said, "would you send me three gratitude rocks?"