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What is the easiest way for a girl to marry into money


Move to Silicon Valley.
Hang out in Mountain View and enter social circle of Googlers. Start dating Googlers. Do not date any Googler who began work there later than 2006. Odds are, you will be the first woman he's ever touched and he will happily marry you for reliable access to your female charms.
If you find his lack of personal hygiene or Asperger-y obsession with Japanese Anime too overwhelming obstacles to marital harmony, a swift divorce after a reasonable period would still yield you a substantial fraction of his assets. If your first go did not yield you the level of wealth you desire, use the proceeds from the first divorce to buy a modest condo in Mountain View and try again and repeat process until you are satiated.

1楼2012-07-27 19:24回复

    2楼2012-07-27 19:26
      Difficulty level: Easy to Medium
      Requirements: Be female, non-hideous, and willing to put up with an Aspberger-y man-child pawing at your body for 2~5 years or your whole life, depending on your tolerance for such things.
      Timeline: 1~4 years.
      Likelihood of success: 99+%

      3楼2012-07-27 19:27
        4楼2012-07-27 19:28

          5楼2012-07-27 19:30