“The Chinese get a surprisingly big round of applause.” It was a delayed “thank you” for their opening ceremony not being lame.by Piliage7/27/2012 9:55:21 PM 5:55 AM 中国人获得了惊奇的巨大的掌声 那是对北京开幕式迟来的“谢谢”
china's opening wasn't creepy it was down right scary. now we know of a country who really could take over the world just using human computer bits. Its all cool now , just wait for the madman who will arise sooner than later……. 居然有人说北京奥运开幕式不咋地?人家明明都快把观众吓尿了好吧。这下咱们可知道谁才是要接管世界的国家——人家的表演几乎没用机械设备,都是真人表演啊——咱们就等着那个疯子来接管世界的那一天吧… What in the heck was that? I thought I was watching Oliver!, Les Miserables (wrong country), and was the health care debate necessary? Please bring back the Beijing Opening Ceremony. Yikes! 我了个去这是嘛?我还以为我在看雾都孤儿、悲惨世界!(穿越了…)还有那个医保有必要费那么多话么?我真想回到北京奥运会开幕式啊,啊啊啊! —————————————— 翻译的很接地气啊