lease keep list going around the world....hit forward 请向全球传递这封信 and add your name to the bottom of the list before you send it on! 并把你的名字放在末尾并发送 Just sign and send on, this is serious. 请一定签名并发送,这事非同小可! 这是我们人类的耻辱。
Denmark is a big shame.It's because of the cruelty that the human beings (civilised human) 是因为残忍的人类(文明社会的人) kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon dolphins. 残忍的杀害了上百头人类已知,具有高智商的卡德龙海豚
WHY? 为什么会这样? A celebration, to show that they are adults and mature! 因为这是一场庆祝,一场显示他们已经“长大了”的成 人礼 In this big celebration, nothing is missing for the fun. 这场声势浩大的庆祝活动,被举办得完美无缺
Everyone is participating in one way or the other 每一个人都有自己这样那样的庆祝方式 killing or looking at the cruelty “supporting like a spectator” 亲自参与谋杀,或以极大的对杀戮热情和对生命的残忍作着一名看客
while this magnificent creature slowly dies in its own blood 当这神奇的生物慢慢在自己血液的包围中失去生命 Its enough! 我们看够 We will send this mail 我们会接力发送这封邮件 until this email arrives in any association defending the animals 直到它到达环保组织手中 we won’t only read. 我们不会袖手旁观 That would make us accomplices, viewers 因为那样会使我们变成帮凶!看客! 了!我们看够了!!我们看够了!!!