玩此图要注意:Please set your graphic to highest, and suggested resolution screen is 1920x1080. Small resolution and graphic can broke game or improperly display data. 这是作者的原话:将你的配置调到最高,建议分辨率跳到1920*1080,低分辨率和低配置会使游戏出错= =
I'm hoping this hasn't been posted here already, but I'd rather not look through 20 pages (couldn't see a way to solve on the first couple pages). I made a battlemage on easy, got to level 7 and saved. When I loaded my save game, I forgot to use some points when I hit level 7. So I hit F3 to allocate the points then the game froze and crashed. 知音啊我遇到了这位老兄一样的问题= =