1.除你武器缴械咒 Expelliarmus
2.滑稽滑稽 Riddikulus
3.我庄严宣誓我没干好事 I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
4.恶作剧完毕 Mischief managed
5.防雨防湿 Impervius
6.快快复苏 Enervate
7.呼神护卫守护神咒 Expecto patronus
8.瓦迪瓦西发射咒 Waddiwasi
1.消隐无踪 Deletrius
2.速速变大 Engorgio
2 咒语~~H.P英汉大全`````~~超级经典!!
3.速速缩小 Reducio
4.荧光闪烁 Lumos
5.给我指路指路咒 Poine me
6.阿瓦达索命索命咒 Avada Kedavra
7.魂魄出窍夺魂咒 Imperio
8.障碍重重障碍咒 Impedimenta
9.昏昏倒地 Stupefy
10.门牙塞大棒 Densaugeo
11.火烤热辣辣 Furnunculus
12.词典飞来 Accio Dictionary
13.火弩箭飞来 Accio Firebolt
14.飞来飞去 Accio
15.钻心剜骨钻心咒 Crucio
16.兰花盛开 Orchideous
17.飞鸟群群 Avis
18.粉身碎骨粉碎咒 Reducto
Bone of feather, unknouingly given, you will renew your son
Flesh of the servant, willingly given you will revive your master
Blood oh the enemy,forcibly taken you will ressuttrct your foe
22.奖杯飞来 Accio
23.声音洪亮 Sonorus
24.悄声细语 Quietus
25.尸骨再现 Morsmordre
26.闪回前咒 Prior Incantato
27.火焰熊熊 Incendio
28.力松劲泄 Relashio
29.修复如初 Reparo
30.四分五裂 Diffindo
1.清理一新 Scourgify
2.箱子移动 Locomotor trunk
3.青蛙飞来 Accio frog
4.无声无息 Silencio
5.试卷飞来 Accio
6.魔杖飞来 Stupefy
7.快快禁锢 Colloportus
8.大脑飞来 Accio brain
9.盔甲护身 Protego
10.预言球飞来 Accio Prophecy
11.摄神取念 Legilimens
12.门托斯 Portus
13.收拾 Pack
无声咒 non-verbal spells
倒挂金钟 Levicorpus
倒的解咒 Liberacorpus
蝙蝠精咒 Bat Bogey Hex
安咳消 Anapneo(就是在车厢里Belby被鹌鹑噎住时用的那个,呵呵)
愈合如初 Episkey(Tonks帮Harry治好鼻子用的那个)