这里不是正常的世界,不但么有没有昼夜之分,更没有种族之见。在真实的世界里被视为宠物的猫猫狗狗,在这里穿上了人的衣裳。 It is not the normal worid,there is neitther day nor night,and also the racial discrimination disappears.
我喜欢的不只是那张脸,但在那些喜欢你的回忆里,和我在一起的都是那张脸啊。 I like this face is not the only reason,but in the memory when we are falling inlove,which Isee is always that face.
站在原地,,脸上还挂着潮湿的泪痕。曾经有个人默默跟在我身后,我觉得烦;现在我惧怕黑夜,背后却再没有一双关心的眼眸。 Stood face with the damp of tears. once there was a man in silence to behind me, i feel bored; now i am afraid the night behind a pair of concem but no eyes.
那个女人穿着红色大衣,围着红色的围巾,在无人的公路上,她独行的背影孤零零的逆着阳光。 That woman wearing ared coat,rounding red scart,was walking in a deserted highway,she lonefigure was against sunlight lonely.
时间是个伟大的剧作家,它无情的书写着人间悲剧。他让人们与命运抗争,并最终落入命运最恶毒的圈套。 Time is a great playwright.it writing on the hunman tragedy.makes people fight with fate,and eventually falled into the trap of the most vicious fate.