I am proud to be _____.

Blood Legion ("a Blood Legion soldier") — I am Blood Legion. I charge straight into battle. The Blood Legion pushes to the front line in any combat. We're powerful and bold, and none can match our prowess on the field.
鲜血军团(“一个鲜血军团士兵”) — 我是鲜血军团一员,我负责在战场上冲锋前线。鲜血军团在所有的战斗中都负责推进阵线。我们强大坚定,没有人能和我们的英勇相媲美。

Ash Legion ("an Ash Legion soldier") — I am Ash Legion. I use cunning to overcome my enemies. The Ash Legion teaches stealth and subterfuge. We end battles before they begin with infiltration, information gathering, and precision strikes.
灰烬军团(“一个灰烬军团士兵”) — 我是灰烬军团一员,我用自己的狡诈战胜我的敌人。灰烬军团教导潜行和技巧。我们用渗透,收集信息,精确打击的方式让战斗打响前就结束掉。

Iron Legion ("an Iron Legion soldier") — I am Iron Legion. I march to the boom of war machines. The Iron Legion has ignited our industrial revolution. We perfected metalwork, cannons, and — most importantly — guns.
钢铁军团(“一个钢铁军团士兵”) — 我是钢铁军团一员。我们用战争机器的轰鸣前进。钢铁军团引燃了我们的工业**。我们日益完善各种金属器具,大炮,还有最重要的——火枪。