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十大常见跑步错误#3 大步流星


The problem: One of the most common injury-causing running form mistakes is overstriding, or landing heel first with your foot well ahead of your body's center of gravity. Some runners assume that a longer stride will improve their speed or running efficiency, but that's not the case. Overstriding wastes energy since it means you're braking with each foot strike. It could also lead to injuries such as shin splints.
The solution: Make sure that you don't lunge forward with your feet. This is especially important when running downhill. Focus on landing mid-sole, with your foot directly underneath your body with every step. A short, low arm swing is the key to keeping your stride short and close to the ground. Try to keep your steps light and quick, as if you're stepping on hot coals.

IP属地:湖北1楼2012-09-10 15:23回复