Nicki Nominated For 3 MTV EMAs

Along with her announced nominations for the AMA’s today, Nicki is also nominated for three major awards at this year’s MTV EMA’s (European Music Awards), including the following:
Best Female最佳女歌手
Best Hip-Hop最佳嘻哈
Best Look最佳造型
Voting ends November 9. The 2012 MTV EMA’s will be broadcast from the Festhalle in Frankfurt, Germany on November 11.投票11月9好截至,RMA在11月11举行~

Along with her announced nominations for the AMA’s today, Nicki is also nominated for three major awards at this year’s MTV EMA’s (European Music Awards), including the following:
Best Female最佳女歌手
Best Hip-Hop最佳嘻哈
Best Look最佳造型
Voting ends November 9. The 2012 MTV EMA’s will be broadcast from the Festhalle in Frankfurt, Germany on November 11.投票11月9好截至,RMA在11月11举行~