Line of love backing—Viruscatcher
Love, as reflection of my face
Closer and can’t see whole of this
Think it can be biter or sweet
Just be willing for no regretting
as a sightseeing
Heart ,swing before you leaving
Tears can just turn over for excusing
First meet go to ending
Back to starting, the hope shining
Love let time freezing
At the line of love backing
Just wait to re- meeting
Sky cleared and heart warming
Hands shroud in sun lighting
Fairytale began acting
At somedays re-meeting
Our face changed for nothing
Heart ,swing before your leaving
Tears can just turn over for excusing
First meet go to ending
Back to starting, the hope shining
Love let time freezing
At the line of love backing
Just wait to re- meeting
Sky cleared and heart warming
Hands shroud in sun lighting
Fairytale began acting
At somedays re-meeting
Our face changed for nothing
If open just a bit
Make aim get achieve
Heart belong you can’t escape
It’s danger for every love
It’s brave of every lover
Next moment is next forever
At the line of love backing
Wait and get re- meeting
Sky cleared and heart warming
Hands shroud in sun lighting
The oath alonging
Can’t fly away in caring
This moment is worth than anything