宁思琪吧 关注:7贴子:124

I'm here,baby.


This (帖子) i would like to use Eglish,and some words if i don't know i will looking them for the dictionary or the I...(ok there has a word that i don't remembered. It means"网络",i am not kidding, i don't remembe is a truth,i don"t want to 〈(掩饰)什么…〉) …

来自手机贴吧1楼2012-10-14 23:23回复
    In fact,i want to make up(The word means“创建” that i cant remember.. so i used this word,maybe its a little wrong...? If its right i will be sorry for my "wrong words". Because <本人水平有限…> …ahhhhh..you see,right? So,please forgive me,and if you can<指点>me,

    来自手机贴吧2楼2012-10-14 23:31
      I will very happy that i can (直视)my wrongs and i will thank you. Sometimes this is a good way to learn a language i want to learn it well.. we can exchange our experience and learn from each other(s?) if i some ways is not better than her or him.

      来自手机贴吧3楼2012-10-14 23:36
        But please believe the truth: the ("勤奋"…i cant remember this word or i remember a wrong sentence's meaning..),the better. Our English teacher whose name is Miss Xie (maybe "MRS" because she has a dangerous whose age is 7 or8.. but not a woman will <承认>

        来自手机贴吧4楼2012-10-14 23:42
          they are old than before now.. we were young! so i can love someone who i want to love and tell her..? oh,and i (突然 想起 一句歌词) which is from a song,but i forget the song"s name.. i am sorry cuz think the song will fell sad because of i don't remember his

          来自手机贴吧5楼2012-10-14 23:48
            name.. The (歌词) that i remembered is.."i love you more than i did before.."Maybe it from"Stay"...? I dont know... but i knew you like this song before.. I want to go to the dream<-ing?>.. i am tired and (昏昏欲睡的)… bye

            来自手机贴吧6楼2012-10-14 23:54
              Who do you wanna to be?(你想成为什么样的人?)

              来自手机贴吧7楼2012-10-15 23:03
                I like you... ahhh... i didn't say anything which you heard.. i am i..do you? ...i (都)don't know what i said..ok,that's all my today's feeling which i wanna write there by using English…SEE YOU SOON...

                来自手机贴吧8楼2012-10-15 23:08
                  At(or"In"? ) the time which is after the first __ style-study (晚自习) i was taking about the May day band which is my (同桌)' favorite. And i sang a song which named《突然好想你》 . Of course,i don't know the all words from the song, but i was stay a dreaming and

                  来自手机贴吧9楼2012-10-16 23:28
                    sang that song. Then i sang and i cried.In fact,I realized i miss you so much. Today is the first day that i was crying in the high school in the classroom.. oh yeah ahhh... today is a person (in fact its tomorrow,and tomorrow is her "阴历生日") "s birthday

                    来自手机贴吧10楼2012-10-16 23:35
                      who is in our bathroom is named Liu Hongyi. She got hers fifth birthday on October forth(The "阳历"'s birthday. )... and i have to sleep now,i have to study at the same as you. Although we are not in a high school,i still wish you can be better,and don't (被

                      来自手机贴吧11楼2012-10-16 23:41
                        别人欺负). Don't be nervous or you will feel tired. ok miss you again~

                        来自手机贴吧12楼2012-10-16 23:43
                          I think i remembered who is the (贴吧)' (创建者). Maybe was me...or other one who wanted to make up this place. I realized that i am not tired...(ok just now ) i wanna sleep(-ing?) withthe dream and you are in there.. =@=

                          来自手机贴吧13楼2012-10-17 23:36
                            I still stay in the old days.(我还停留在旧时光中<若有纠错,则感激.谢谢!>)

                            14楼2012-10-19 22:27
                              《Ten Minutes Older》
                              A nice movie..
                              In fact,i think that are many documentaries make up of the movie..
                              it looks like a aggregate(it means "**".. )..ahhh..

                              15楼2012-10-19 22:31