RX-121-1 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel Custom]
型式番号: RX-121-1
分类: prototype mobile suit
制造商: Earth Federation Forces (Conpeito Arsenal)
操作者: Titans Test Team (Black Otter Team)
第一次配备: October UC 0085
适应(性): pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
头顶高: 18.1 meters
重量: 41.5 metric tons
全装备重量: 63.0 metric tons
装甲材质: 月神钛合金
发电机: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor,
发电机出力1420 kW (+390 kW)
推进力: 18,000 kg, 2 x 27,000 kg, 2 x 17,500 kg, 4 x 1,870 kg
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 10,200 meters; movable booster pod
固定武装: multipurpose weapon latch
自选武装: 光束步枪
RX-121-1 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel Custom]
型式番号: RX-121-1
分类: prototype mobile suit
制造商: Earth Federation Forces (Conpeito Arsenal)
操作者: Titans Test Team (Black Otter Team)
第一次配备: October UC 0085
适应(性): pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
头顶高: 18.1 meters
重量: 41.5 metric tons
全装备重量: 63.0 metric tons
装甲材质: 月神钛合金
发电机: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor,
发电机出力1420 kW (+390 kW)
推进力: 18,000 kg, 2 x 27,000 kg, 2 x 17,500 kg, 4 x 1,870 kg
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 10,200 meters; movable booster pod
固定武装: multipurpose weapon latch
自选武装: 光束步枪