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Speaking speaking speaking


1楼2012-10-23 04:07回复
    Describe something that you do to reduce stress. Explain why it is helpful. Include details and examples to support your answer.
    Reading books helps me to relieve stress like nothing else can .
    This is true for several reasons .
    First, when I read a book I mentally enter the world of ideas. I can forget my day-to-day worries.
    Second, from an emotional angle , reading is a solitary act. It enables me to spend time alone, away from others. This helps me feel more peaceful.
    Third, from a physical perspective, reading allows me to stop working and relax my body. At home, I like to read while lying in bed or on the sofa(17).
    The act of reading transports me to another world. That’s why books are good friends and why reading is such an effective way of reducing my level of stress.

    2楼2012-10-23 04:09
      What is the best quality of a good son or daughter? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.
      I think the most important quality is kindness.
      This is because kindness automatically includes so many other qualities.
      First, kindness implies that a son or daughter is helpful to the parents. This is critical no matter how old the child is.
      Second, kindness means being respectful. There is nothing that touches parents’ hearts more than being treated well by a child. Conversely, nothing hurts parent more than when a child shouts at them.
      Last, kindness incorporates so many other positive traits such as thoughtfulness, cooperation, caring, compassion, understanding and so on.
      In today’s world, having loving parents is a blessing and children of all ages should honour that through their kind actions.

      3楼2012-10-23 04:10
        Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
        In my view, attending class at university should be optional rather than require for two reasons.
        The first reason is that you might have a bad class. For example, when I was attending university in New York I was studying chemistry, and I was attending physics class. The professor was really slow and boring, and I think attending it was a waste of time because i could have learned more studying the book on my own.
        The second reason is that you might be working. For example, when I attended high school, I worked after hours to help myself save money to buy a car in California, I did not do that when I studied in the university, but a lot of my friends did, so they should have the freedom to be able to do that because they are adults. That is why I feel that way.

        4楼2012-10-23 04:12
          The woman is very stressed and exhausted because she has been busy with her three history papers while taking on a part-time job in the evening.
          THe man gives her two suggestions. First, the woman can cut some hours of her part-time job. Second, she can call her professor to ask for some extra days working on her papers.
          personally, I prefer the second solution.
          She has just started her new job, so asking to change her schedule by reducing some hours might lower the employer's impression. She doesn't want to request too much to keep the job. Perhaps, asking the profesor for an extension on her history papers might be a good solution. The profesor would give her the time she needs if the woman explains her situation well to him. With the extension, she will be able to finish her history papers while taking care of her part-time job without any pressure.

          6楼2012-10-23 04:14
            In the lecture, the professor talks about the two features that animals living in the mountain area need to have.
            The first feature is a strong muscle structure. For example, mountain goats have a unique and strong muscle structure which helps them climb and jump without failing down when they search for food in mountain areas where a lot of snow covered rocky cliffs.
            Then professor mentions another feather, the special feet. For example, Bighorn sheep have developed hoofs with special pads and sharp edges in order to keep them standing firmly and form skidding on the rocks when they are moving on slippery cliffs.

            7楼2012-10-23 04:15
              The lecture is about signaling which refers to an approach companies use to guide the consumers to purchase their products by introducing third parties.
              1.首先说明是lecture is about something.
              然后提炼一句话: signaling which refers to an approach companies use to guide the consumers to purchase their products by introducing third parties.
              这句 话的来源是阅读材料: 通常是第一句,和最后一句的结合. 第一句: In economics, signaling is an approach. That is, companies use third parties to credibly convey some positive information about their products to consumers... 最后一句:having a third party to make objective judgements such as conducting experiments is essential to guide consumers to make purchaseing decisions for high-quality products. 这一句比较难.解释不清楚什么样的方法,就解释有什么用途好了.
              The professor explains this concept by giving an example in his lecture.
              The professor said (这个通用)that her friends owned a jewelty store, in which the gold and diamonds are real (1 point) but very expensive(another point). Therefore, many consumers merely looked at the products rather than making actual purchases(这是要讨论的主体). The high price might be the reason, but more importantly, many consumers couldn't tell the difference between real and fake products(这是问题所在). Then her friend asked an expert to prove the quality of jewels by puting them on fire.(解决问题的办法) Later, the jewelry was verified to be real, and consumers were confident enough to purchase the expensive products.(结果, 和听力部分的最后一句吻合.)

              8楼2012-10-23 04:16
                The colleg coputer labs decides to charge students for printing of students print more than ten copies once. The woman supports the idea.
                First, she thinks that students often waste and litter printing paper around beause they do have a clear idea about how much paper they really need. CHarging them some money may help them be aware of this problem.
                Also, since the old printer always breaks down, the copy fee can be spendt on a new one, even on something more, like a fax machine and a copier etc.

                9楼2012-10-23 04:16
                  In my view, if I had a few hours to give every month to improve my community, I would do children's reading excercises for two reasons.
                  First, it is going to be fine. for exmaple, I live in pine city California,
                  and there are a lot of program to help children, but a lot of them do not focus on reading, when you read stories to children, you can get the children to understand different parts of the world which i think is exciting.
                  The Second reason is that the children would learn to enjoy reading, when I was young, I remember in temple city, I went to the local library in the summer, every now and then, and somebody would do this , read the story to us. that was really something made me love reading under early age which I think is great. That is why I feel that way.

                  10楼2012-10-23 04:17
                    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country, Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
                    In my view, advertising can tell you a lot about a country. I feel that way for two reasons.
                    The first reason is it will teach you about the food of the people eats. For example, in the United States where I live, if you watch commercials on TV, you will see a lot of advertisement for fast food restaurants like MacDonald, Wendys, Burgeon King. If you are a foreiner, you will know what american is like.
                    The second reason is that it tells you a lot about the industry. For example, when I was watching TV the other day, I remembered watching a commercial for internet business. As a result that everyone will know the United States has strong internet community they focus on business, that is why i feel that way.

                    11楼2012-10-23 04:17
                      What is the best quality of a good son or daughter? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.
                      I think the most important quality is kindness.
                      This is because kindness automatically includes so many other qualities.
                      First, kindness implies that a son or daughter is helpful to the parents. This is critical no matter how old the child is.
                      Second, kindness means being respectful. There is nothing that touches parents’ hearts more than being treated well by a child. Conversely, nothing hurts parent more than when a child shouts at them.
                      Last, kindness incorporates so many other positive traits such as thoughtfulness, cooperation, caring, compassion, understanding and so on.
                      In today’s world, having loving parents is a blessing and children of all ages should honour that through their kind actions.

                      12楼2012-10-26 02:02
                        What do you think is important for a new working environment? please include specific details in your explaination.
                        I think the most important quality is relatively stable.
                        This is because relatively stable automatically includes so many other qualities.
                        First, relative stable implies that there is good relationship with supervisors and coworkers. This is critical no matter how old you are.
                        Second, relatively stable environment means having promotion opportunity. it is so important that the employees get motivated, otherwise they do not get the reason to work harder than others.
                        Last, relatively stable environment incorporates so many other positive traits such as arrange your life accordingly, buying a house without worrying about losing your job, and so on.

                        14楼2012-10-26 02:36
                          Talk about a skill or ability that you consider especially important for a student to have. Use details and examples to explain your answer.
                          I think the most important ability is active learning.
                          This is because active learning automatically includes so many other qualities.
                          First, active learning implies that a student clearly knows what to do to reach his goal. This is critical no matter how old the student is.
                          Second, active learning means being good at time management . It is so important that the student can stay far away from time-consuming TV and computer games.
                          Last, active learning incorporates so many other positive traits such as be on time for class, study hard, finish homework regularly and so on.

                          15楼2012-10-26 02:37
                            Talk about a skill or ability that you consider especially important for a teacher to have. Use details and examples to explain your answer.
                            I think the most important ability is teacher is knowledgeable.
                            This is because knowledgeable teacher automatically includes so many other qualities.
                            First, knowledgeable teacher implies that a teacher knows to high expectations for all students. This is critical no matter how old the teacher is.
                            Second, knowledgeable means being prepared and organized. It is so important that the teacher can present lessons in a clear and structured way. Otherwise the students get distracted.
                            Last, knowledgeable incorporates so many other positive traits such as having clear, written-out objectives, forming strong relationships with their students, getting students to look at issues in a variety of ways. and so on.

                            17楼2012-10-26 03:22
                              1. The article is about..., which refers to ...
                              The professor explains this concept by giving an example in his lecture.
                              The professor said that the person ( his friend, he himself, his son....) 1st: 介绍是啥/要干啥, 2nd 有啥问题, 3rd 然后怎么解决的,4th 是后果. And so, this example clearly illustrates the concept of ....

                              18楼2012-10-26 08:02