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Machinae Supremacy的艺人档案


1楼2012-10-25 15:22回复

    Machinae Supremacy是一支来自瑞典Luleå的金属乐队,其风格跨越power metal 和 bitpop,他们自己称他们的音乐类型叫SID Metal,他们的网站有大量他们的歌曲提供免费下载,而且他们是Ogg Vorbis音频格式强烈的支持者。


    2楼2012-10-25 15:23
      Since their inauspicious beginnings around the year 2000, Sweden's Machinae Supremacy have tried to do things differently; starting off with a relatively "normal" power metal foundation before infusing it with technological gadgetry, old and new, in a bid to shake up the heavy metal landscape. In a nutshell, the group frequently infuses their otherwise analog-based music with 8-bit sounds derived from an SiD chip, of the sort commonly found in personal computers from the 1980s, such as the Commodore 64. As a result, the group's style has been conveniently labeled "SiD metal," even though their use of electronics isn't nearly as overt as, say, California's Horse the Band, whose "Nintendo-core" is positively strewn with sounds reminiscent of the golden age of video games. Having said that, the members of Machinae Supremacy -- singer Robert Stjärnströ, guitaristsJonas Rörling and Kahl Hellmer, bassist Andreas Gerden, and drummer Tomas Nilsén -- are also avid gamers, and along with their proper debut album of 2004, Deus Ex Machinae, the group recorded a full-length soundtrack for a video game called Jets'n'Guns, later the same year. The band was subsequently signed by Spinefarm Records, but decided to scale back the electronics somewhat for their next release, Redeemer; demoting the SiD sounds to more of a supporting role, while continuing to take chances by embracing surprisingly commercial and infectious pop nuances. This daring creative direction was explored even further on their next album, Overworld, which also broke in new bassist Andreas Gerden, and was released through Spinefarm in February 2008.

      3楼2012-10-25 15:23
        从这个乐队在2000年的不幸中吸取教训后,瑞典的MachinaeSupremacy乐队已经努力在做一些不寻常的事情,从一个相关的力量金属基金开始,带着点撼动重金属领域的雄心。 那时他们还并没有尝试注入电子元素,总的来说,这个组合频繁的注入他们用SID芯片模拟出的8位音乐,这种技术普遍存在于80年代的PC中,比如“舰长64”,即使这样他们的技术也从未公开,就像"加利福尼亚的马"---一个擅长使用容易让人联想到电子游戏的黄金年代的“任天堂核心”音效的乐队.
        MachinaeSupremacy乐队的成员--主唱Robert Stjärnströ,吉他手Jonas Rörling 和 Kahl Hellmer,贝斯手Andreas Gerden, 鼓手Tomas Nilsén ----全都是狂热的游戏爱好者,于2004年首发正式专辑Deus Ex Machinae,这个组合甚至为一个叫Jets'n'Guns的游戏录制了全部的音效,但当第二张专辑Redeemer发售时,他们又莫名缩减了乐曲中的电子音效,把SID音效降为了配角,利用流行音乐元素和惊喜商业营销为自己争取受众。这个大胆又充满创意的方向在第三张专辑Overlord中被探索到极致(也是楼主最爱的一张),这时贝斯手换成了
        Andreas Gerden,Overlord于2008年2月通过Spinefarm发售

        通过百度相册上传4楼2012-10-25 16:03
           Machinae Supremacy是一支来自瑞典Lule的金属乐队,其风格跨越power metal 和 bitpop,他们自己称他们的音乐类型叫SID Metal,他们的网站有大量他们的歌曲提供免费下载,而且他们是Ogg Vorbis音频格式强烈的支持者。  很难想象Machinae Supremacy竟然是只来自瑞典的乐队,冰冷机械化的风格似乎更适合来做某只工业电声乐队的专集封面.单从音乐上判断他们更适合生长在美国这种各类文化结合的国土上.即使是把Machinae Supremacy职业生涯所有专集从头到尾聆听一遍,任何高明的乐评人也无法用某种固定的音乐形式来对他们做出合适的鉴定.所以,他们称自己为SID Metal.  仅就音乐而言还是能从某些段落分辨出这是只惯于玩弄旋律的欧洲乐队,大部分power metal band所具备的一贯的良好的音乐素养帮助他们写下了elite,fury等等此类旋律犀利,金属节奏明快通俗易懂的作品来.而从诸如rogue world asylum的钢琴过门到主歌部分合成器的对飑以及节奏部分双吉他对你耳鼓膜的冲击,以及大量时髦的旋死桥段,我们也很容易分辨出他们来自瑞典这个歌德堡音乐发源地.oki kumas adventure更是首完美的拼贴主义的典范:完全的电子节拍加上曼妙的女声动感十足,solo甚至是段new age流行的笛子.时尚的音乐元素,足够高超的演奏技巧,再加上从北欧人血液里流淌着的对旋律的敏感.相信Machinae Supremacy会受到大量power乐迷的喜爱,甚至连撇弃单纯的旋律依旧的人都忍不住把音量开的更大些.


          通过百度相册上传5楼2012-10-25 16:04

            8楼2012-10-25 17:02

              通过百度相册上传9楼2012-10-25 17:03

                11楼2015-04-25 12:53