This week, Dean's loyalty is tested -- both his loyalty to Sam and his loyalty to Benny. "Benny essentially calls Dean and says, 'Hey, I'm in a sticky situation here, I could use a friend' and because of the relationship that was formed in Purgatory, Dean's like 'I gotta go,'" Jensen says. After so many years with the character, the decision rang true to Jensen. "I think that we all know that Dean's that guy. He's very loyal, but what's interesting is that his loyalty is now residing with a vampire, a monster ... and that obviously puts a strain on the relationship between the brothers. Sam even says 'You know, push comes to shove, I might be the one that kills Benny,' and Dean basically says, 'We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.'"
What we have yet to see, of course, is the way that Purgatory impacted Dean's relationship with Castiel, who was his only ally in the warzone when they first arrived. We know very little about what happened between those two men after they reunited. The one thing we can be sure of is that it didn't end well. Jensen can't offer too much insight for fear of giving too much away, but he did reveal that there's something Castiel has been hiding from Dean.

"I will say that what I do know is that Cas is going through something that he's not telling Dean," Jensen teases. "He's going through something on a personal level, with himself and his own journey through Purgatory, that Dean is unaware of."
That'll be explored more thoroughly in Episode 8, but in the meantime, we turned to
Misha Collins for a little bit of elaboration on Castiel's mindset. Like Jensen, he can't say a whole lot. "Dean was hell-bent on getting the hell out of Purgatory, whereas Cas, I think, to a certain extent, felt so burdened with guilt that he felt like he was paying penance there," Misha tells us. "He felt that he almost deserved it."
And of course, because serious journalism is very important to us, we had to ask both men why Castiel had a beard in Purgatory and Dean did not. "Well, it's because he's an angel, and all of his badass angel powers were congregating into his hair follicles because of the intense pressure of the atmosphere in Purgatory," Misha says.
Jensen's response is a little bit different. "The answer I got from the writers was 'Dean has knives,'" he says.