竹雨冰心吧 关注:94贴子:3,976
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1楼2012-11-08 21:44回复
      1. 学生和音樂老师
      女生办音樂会,一开始跟教授讨論了换到另外一个较大的场地,钢琴也不一样,女生有点不适应,只排練了 1 次
      (有题,问女生为什么紧张。答案:播放设备让他不习惯。其他选项:她没期望有那么多观众的),后面就开始讨 論作业问题,关于自己写 composition
    的过程。說到了 3 项,导师举例說明了如何写論文,可以写写感想还是什么 的,然后谈到了一些著名作曲家(有题,问教授提著名作曲家做啥)。
      Q1:学生找老师干什么。(我答的是去问 assignment 得细节)。
      Q 2:为什么学生会在表演的时候紧张。
      Q 3:为什么老师要讲作曲名家的创作过程。
      Q 4:关于交作业的 extension。
      2. 葉子变黄的,讲了葉子因为葉綠素的分解出其他色素的颜色,但是这种說法并没有解决问题,研究证明葉子快
    要凋落的时候那种色素会增加,然后作了个比喻,說好比在一辆即将报废的汽車喷上新漆一样浪费,但是大自然 不会浪费,然后讲了这种色素的作用。
      女教授话题一转,葉子变黄咱先告一段落。 咱來谈谈一些树的葉子为什么变红吧。 然后就在哪說了冬天怎么怎
    一个說法是因为到了秋天葉綠素就分解啦。后來說这个說法对一部分有效,但是对变红的葉子无效,变红的葉子 是因为合成了一个 a
    开头的神马物质(我猜是花青素,不过不影响哈),中间老师举了个例子說,葉子变红合成 a
      Q 1. 主旨。
      Q 2. 老师举汽車那个例子是干嘛(答案:類比)
      Q 3. a 物质为什么集中在葉子表面呢(答案:选有 protect 那个)
      Q 4. 老师回顾葉綠素知識的时候暗示了什么(答案:他觉得这些知識学生肯定很熟悉)
      3. 这个是关于 English literature
      好像是有个女作家,是 19 世纪中期的(有个啥 victoria 时期啥的,没太听見),她的作品的风格是 pictorial,这种
    风格就好像是摆出來一幅画,然后很详细的 describe 这幅画,让讀者好像能从脑子裡看到一样。这种风格和一种
      Q 1. 主旨。(用排除法很好选,把說画画啊啥的都去掉)
      Q 2. 作者讲这个女作家的时候暗示了什么?(我选:她不是因为是女性成功的,而是因为她的风格)。
      Q 3. 作者为啥說 poetry
      Q 6. 教授說的 action 是强调了什么意思
      英国 19 世纪中期一个小說家的风格,是說她的小說有 2 个特点: 第一个特征:common people,朴实的语言。

    5楼2012-11-08 22:09

      8楼2012-11-08 22:58
          1、If your school has received a considerable amount of money, which plan do
        you think should be made to use the money?
          Rebuilding the library
          Rebuilding the laboratory
          Rebuilding the GYM
          2、Should students focus on studying or should they have part-time jobs
        while they are still at school?
          3、Describe a positive change that emerged in your country. Explain who this
        change has influence the way people live in your country.
          4、Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due day. Other
        students prefer to prepare their projects much earlier before the due day. Which
        way do you prefer and why?
          5、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is beneficial
        for students to have computers.
          6、Describe an important poem or letter or story you have written.
          7、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government
        should not rebuild the city.
          8、Do you think that people should always be honest?
          9、Describe a difficulty you have met. Explain how you overcome this
        difficulty. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.
          10、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is not good
        for first year students to live in the same dormitory with senior students.
          11、Do you think that students should be allowed to park their cars on
          12、In history classes, students are required to memorize dates and numbers,
        but some complain that such information is easily available on the Internet and
        there is no need to do so. Do you think it is necessary to memorize these dates
        and numbers?
          13、What kind of food do you recommend to add to the recipe of student’s
          14、Some people like to buy new but expensive books, while others prefer to
        purchase old yet cheap ones. Which do you prefer?
          15、Do you think that good manner is important for interpersonal
          16、Do you like experienced teachers or inexperienced teachers?
          17、What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in
          18、Some people like collecting old things like newspaper. What about you?
        Explain why.
          19、Describe a way to improve the system of education in your country.
          20、Do you like to read books or to listen to audio books?

        9楼2012-11-08 23:00
            1、If your school has received a considerable amount of money, which plan do
          you think should be made to use the money?
            Rebuilding the library
            Rebuilding the laboratory
            Rebuilding the GYM
            2、Should students focus on studying or should they have part-time jobs
          while they are still at school?
            3、Describe a positive change that emerged in your country. Explain who this
          change has influence the way people live in your country.
            4、Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due day. Other
          students prefer to prepare their projects much earlier before the due day. Which
          way do you prefer and why?
            5、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is beneficial
          for students to have computers.
            6、Describe an important poem or letter or story you have written.
            7、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government
          should not rebuild the city.
            8、Do you think that people should always be honest?
            9、Describe a difficulty you have met. Explain how you overcome this
          difficulty. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.
            10、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is not good
          for first year students to live in the same dormitory with senior students.
            11、Do you think that students should be allowed to park their cars on
            12、In history classes, students are required to memorize dates and numbers,
          but some complain that such information is easily available on the Internet and
          there is no need to do so. Do you think it is necessary to memorize these dates
          and numbers?
            13、What kind of food do you recommend to add to the recipe of student’s
            14、Some people like to buy new but expensive books, while others prefer to
          purchase old yet cheap ones. Which do you prefer?
            15、Do you think that good manner is important for interpersonal
            16、Do you like experienced teachers or inexperienced teachers?
            17、What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in
            18、Some people like collecting old things like newspaper. What about you?
          Explain why.
            19、Describe a way to improve the system of education in your country.
            20、Do you like to read books or to listen to audio books?

          10楼2012-11-08 23:01

            11楼2013-07-15 01:38